Mahogany Confessions~ Dew x Reader {Fluff}💞

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~Warnings Include~

~Eating (if anyone is sensitive to such things<3)

Dew is standing between your legs while you are sitting on the dark mahogany desk. The ink bottles and papers were already pushed to the sides the moment he decided to pick you up and set you there. He planted his hands on your knees while you grip the edge of the desk, your face heating up as he edges closes. "I need you to know something." Was all he could say at the moment. Dews mind was fuzzy with love and admiration of the scenery in front of him. His hot breath trailing down the front of your neck as he looks up into your eyes from his slightly hunched position, now stood straight infront of you. His body language was overcome with a dominant demeanor, but yet there was still a look of concern and contemplation in his eyes. In all honesty his mind was racing. At this point he debated if he was going to say anything else. Dew was already doubting his own words, scared that it wouldn't be reciprocated or that his throat would just close up if he dared to speak again. Your emotions spiking, unsure of how to feel due to his pause and worried look. Needless to say, your concerns only grew and your fear started to snowball. He finally spoke.
" I don't want things to turn badly for us... I'm scared to say it, I'm terrified in fact."
Your heart drops not knowing what to do or what emotions to feel or if you were supposed to feel them at all.

"Did i do something wrong?" Tears start to form I'm your eyes. "Can I fix it? C-can I do something? Did I do something?"

The dread in your tone caught him off guard. In a way he thought that you may be happy about this. Had he misjudged? His eyes dart from one of yours to the other. What was he searching for? Finally he speaks after another moment of silence and searching.

"You think you did something wrong? Oh- darling no!"
The nickname was new but comforting. Little did you know, he didn't mean for it to slip out, but you have no complaints or signs of discomfort so he continued his actions while his face started to heat up.
Your body relaxes as he wraps you in his embrace. His left arm above your shoulder and holding your head to his chest, his other  arm wrapped under your opposing shoulder and clutching at the fabric of your shirt as you reciprocate the hug. Tears have stopped but confusion stayed steady.
"But I do need to talk to you about something... s-something rather serious to me."
He pulls back both hands on your waist while hanging his head low, eyes closed with defeat. Even though you've seen his face plenty of times, each time you find a new feature to caress and care for. He opens his eyes. Your left hand subconsciously goes to lift his chin, and your right traces his jaw line slowly tracking upward to delicately tuck his hair behind his ear. The biggest smile stretches across his face as he lets out a breathy laugh. Dew could feel the butterflies in his stomach. You were only ever soft and lost in thought like this when you were alone with him. No matter how many actions you make towards him, he could always feel himself fall deeper in love. You were staring in admiration through the entire motion of your caress, in a trance like state until his laugh brought you back to your conscious.

"What?" You ask, smile still prominent on both of your faces.

He stares at you for a moment just basking in your comfort.
"If I tell you something please just promise me this won't change anything? Promise you won't freak out-" he shushes himself and turns his head away to the side. "Promise you won't leave?" He asks in desperation and sorrow if his own words. The question startles you and your heart aches at the thought of parting ways with your favorite ghoul. Your favorite person. Your love.
"Hey..." hand goes to reach for his, still on your waist. He shoots his head back to your face, confused of what you're doing but relying on your body language to explain. Your pinky locks around his and squeezes.
"I promise."
His face lights up as he takes a deep breath. Obviously exited with a smile but also terrified with a look in his eye that could only be described as a beauty of a fear. His heart started to race.
"I really don't know how to go about this...I didn't really have a plan but-"
He shys his face away from yours bashfully, then returns a moment later.
"I've felt like this since the moment I met you. I genuinely have never been happier. Since we met we've gotten along perfectly. Every night we've spent together, all we could do is laugh until the other ghouls were beating on the door to keep it down. The way I feel with you is indescribable. Everything feels perfect with you." His smile starts to hide behind his fear. The lump in his throat slowly growing as he musters up the courage to just spit it out.
You on the other hand, we're listening attentively. Giving him all the time he needed to explain. You could stay here forever. As long as it took him at say it, you would stay for him, though you do feel your heart flutter with anticipation as now you get the hint of what's going on.
One hand still on the edge of the desk, the other latched onto his pinky as you held his hand with yours together in your lap. The slight grip on your waist of his other hand that never dared to move because he felt like mabey if he did move, you may crumble and fade away to dust before he could finish his admission to you.
His hand gripped lovingly on your side, more slight pressure of a squeeze applied to your waist before he let out another sigh.
In an attempt to encourage him to continue, you spoke up.
"Honey, you can tell me anything. You don't have to be nervous or scared or whatever you are feeling right now. I want you to confide in me if it's serious...please? I swear to you that whatever it is that you need to say, this won't turn out bad. I'm not leaving. Whether you like it or not you're stuck with me." You let out a little giggle at the last statement even though it was a serious statement. And his smile grew back.
There it is again.
His butterfly's.
At the simplicity of "Honey" you stole his heart once again. You've always called him that and he never knew if it was platonic or not but now is the time to find out. He's worked up this courage to tell you for months, but his feelings started 3 years ago when you first joined the church.
"Ok so umm...I've know you for a long time and since you've joined the church we've been joint together. You are my best friend. The one person I would drop everything for and come running when you need me. Every single time we were together it felt incredible. E-even now! When we leave each other's side for the feels empty but I still can't ever stop smiling just at the feeling that we got to spend time together. You are always on my mind. It doesn't stop. I've been trying to tell you this for months now but I've just been worried that it would change us but knowing you...I shouldn't have been scared to begin with."
Dew unlatched his pinky from yours and brought his hand to hold your face in his hand.
"Y/n, I love you. For years I've loved you and I guess I just never knew how you would take it." Dews eyes looked soft. His entire body language was melted into you. He let himself be vulnerable in-front of you.
You felt yourself melt into his touch just as he did with you as you brought your hands to his waist. Your heart wasn't racing, no. It was thumping. You were thrilled! He never knew you felt the same? You thought you made it obvious. Every night you spend together you would always be clung to him, laughing with heated faces or hugging him so tight before you had to leave. You really did think it was obvious.
"Dew, I love you too!"
His eyes went wide for a moment then became half lidded as he stared at your lips.
"I was really hoping so." Dew brought you into a soft passionate kiss, a kiss that you dreamed and fantasized about for years and it's actually happening!
As you both broke the connection of your lips you looked back at dew.
His hand dropped off of your face and now gently holding both of your hands in your lap.
"What does this mean for us?" You question.
"It means that you're mine now." He states back with a low chuckle as your face heats up.
"Finally!" You state quite loud with a sigh of dramatic relief which makes him throw his head back slightly and laugh.
"You know you could've said something too!" Him yelling back playfully at your reaction.
"I know, I know... I was just scared."
"I was too, but I couldn't go on anymore without you knowing how I feel, and it was definitely worth every ounce of fear."
You both look at each other, just gazing into eyes peacefully until your eyes start to scan around his room.
"What?" He asks as you look around and turn back to him.
"Can I stay here tonight? I really don't want to leave."
Your question caught him off guard but he didn't waist a second to respond with wide eyes.
"W-wait seriously!? Yes! Take whatever clothes you want and get comfy... we can watch a movie if you want."
you smile and give a small kiss to the precious man in-front of you as you slide off of the desk to go raid his closet for a band T-shirt.
"I'd absolutely love that."
He only nodded in response before you walked into his small walk in closet and shut the door on yourself before you change. His old sweats with a faded logo on the side, and a soft dark grey band shirt was what you decided on before you walked out immediately heading towards the bed. Dew was nowhere in the room but the bedroom door was pushed open in seconds to reveal an out of breath dew with a bag of your favorite snacks held between his teeth and his arms full of other salty and sweet foods.
"I got the goods." Was all he managed to get out with the bag between his teeth before he let it drop on the edge of the bed along with his armfuls of other snacks.
You only laugh in response to the scene in front of you knowing that he had to have bolted to the kitchen as you stepped into the closet just to grab things you loved and still be back in time to be there when you stepped out. You thought to yourself "This boy really is something, isn't he?" As your smile grew he flopped down on the bed dragging you with him as you yelped in response. He cuddled you from behind as he handed you the remote and asked you to pick a movie. The rest of the night was only full of giggles and comfort...along with the array of a junk food buffet laying across the bed, that is. It was perfect. It was peaceful. As the night went on you held each other in your arms as you drifted into a peaceful sleep together.

I would love some feed back on this one please! This is my first ever time writing anything like this and I would love to hear your thoughts, feelings and recommendations, feel free to comment. I'm also looking for requests still if anyone is interested!

Word count: 2075
Estimated reading time:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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