(Finale) Chapter 30 The Final Power

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Rey then quickly fires a volley of beams from its mounted DRAGOONs before Kira quickly dodges, both Mobile Suits staring the other down.

Rey: Shinn! Join forces with the Minerva! Go after Nhazul, Athrun and the Archangel!

Shinn: You sure?

Rey: I WILL shoot down the Freedom! So you must destroy those damn traitors! Make sure you destroy them and everything will end!

Shinn with a burning determination, looked up with rage in his eyes.

Shinn: Alright, I got it I'll defeat both those bastards!

Shinn igniting his thrusters and chasing after the Vengeances and Infinite Justice. Kira momentarily regards the exiting Mobile Suit before being alerted to the attacking DRAGOONs, dodging the majority of the shots before blocking the final few.

However, suddenly, Kira is hit with a wave of Déjà vu, this pilots overall fighting and pattern painfully reminding him of another from a previous conflict.

Kira: How's this possible?! You're...!

Rey: If I defeat you here...

Rey mutters before equipping one of his beam sabers, charging at the Strike Freedom.

Rey: Then everything shall finally end!

The Legend charges at the Strike Freedom who ignites its beam shield to block the slash as both Gundams clash. Elsewhere, the team comprised of the Akatsuki, Vengeances, Sabre and Infinite Justice, continue their journey across the Lunar Surface to reach Requiem.

In their way, a squad comprised of GOUF Ignited and ZAKUs (Both Warrior and Phantom) attempt to halt them. Athrun then opens fire with his beam rifle, as well as the two cannons mounted on his Sub-Flight Lifter, while Nhazul opens fire with his dual beam rifles. Lunamaria and Mu also fires their two beam cannons and rifles to pacify a few other enemies.

Mu: Numbers alone won't do you much good!

Murrue: Gottfried, fire!

Murrue commands as the remaining beam cannon opens fire on a damaged Nazca-Class which proceeds to explode from the severe damage. Suddenly, the Minerva descends upon them as the two ships engage in battle once again. However, suddenly, Nhazul noticed something rocketing towards them, quickly blocking with his beam shield, as he saw it was Shinn and the Destiny.

Nhazul: Shinn!

Shinn: You motherfucker!

Pushing Nhazul back, Shinn proceeds to throw his physical shield, before also throwing a beam boomerang at Nhazul, only for him to block it. Shinn then fires his beam cannon, as Nhazul does the same, with his chest beam cannon, the the two clashing and creating an explosion.

Athrun and Lunamaria: Nhazul!

Nhazul: Go! I'll hold off Shinn!

Athrun and the others quickly left Nhazul to it,however Lunamaria was hesitant, in leaving him, but soon followed Athrun. As the two former friends stood off, Shinn holsters his beam rifle and grabbed his beam sword. Using his DRAGOONS, Nhazul fired at Shinn, however he activates his Wings of Light, dodging the beam fire and charges at Nhazul.

Shinn: You're the worst!!! I trusted you! You were one of my best friends and you turn around and do this?!

Holstering his own beam rifles, Nhazul drew both of his beam sabers, as well as activating his Wings of Sky, and charges the Destiny itself,

Holstering his own beam rifles, Nhazul drew both of his beam sabers, as well as activating his Wings of Sky, and charges the Destiny itself,

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The Seed Of Vengeance (Gundam Seed Destiny x OC/Male reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang