Only Love: An Inevitable Epilogue

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There are moments in life you want to freeze, instances of time where you want to just break all the clocks so you could hold onto it, savor it, stay in it.

One such occasion was when Jungwon was born. He cried for a while, you were told, but when you held him in your arms the first time as tears streamed down your face, soft doe-eyes looked back at you. He looked so tender, peaceful, comfortable, and for that moment, you let the guilt of keeping him from his father suspend; for that moment, you forgave yourself a little.

One day, you thought, those eyes will look at the same ones he got them from, and it will be a moment that Jungkook himself will cherish.

He has many of those memories already, you reckon, but other than the time when Jungwon finally acknowledged his father, the other instance that Jungkook will hold forever in his heart was during your wedding.

That day, in the small hanok venue where his parents got married, he took your hand and vowed to give you his whole heart, and promised you that he won't let a day pass without letting you know how much he loves you, and that you will be his dream for the rest of his life.

He knelt down then, with his one hand holding Jungwon's and the other, caressing your womb where another small version of him is awaiting to be showered with even more love. He promised them, like he did with you, that they have his whole heart, that they're his dream, that they're his life and his world, and everyday is a day he will ensure that they will know only love in the home you've both created for them. That their tears will be wiped dry, that their pain will be kissed away, and that hugs and adventures will be endless.

That day, Jungkook looked into your eyes, and then Jungwon's, as he held you and both your sons in his arms, and uttered words of pure devotion to your family.

"Everything forgiven, all the hurt forgotten," he'd said in his vows. "From now on, only love."

"Only love," you replied, as you wiped his tear-stained cheeks and he wiped yours.

"Only love, Mama and Papa," Jungwon squealed right after like the adorable little one that he is, giggling after you and your husband peppered his face with kisses.

To be overflowing with such joy was a blessing. You realized then that every time you cried out of happiness was because you felt so much that your body couldn't handle it, and it came out in the form of tears, tears that your son constantly wiped off your face, and it felt like he made a promise to you then, too, that as your firstborn, he would always be doing that to you and Jungkook.

You know that the next time such moment would happen is when you give birth for the second time and welcome your new angel, a little boy who'll probably have his father's eyes, too. Maybe his charms as well and his caring nature. Jungkook insisted that just like Jungwon, the new little one will be loving and strong like you.

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