Chapter 16

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The scent of beef stew wafts through your whole apartment and you pat yourself on the back for being able to make it as appetizing as this. You knew this had to be dinner tonight, whether things went well or not.

The rice is cooking, the muffins look good in the oven, and the sound of father and son laughing is competing with the thrumming of your heart.

It's just been a few hours since you and Jungkook revealed the truth, with Jungwon's reaction so much better than you expected. It might have caused Jungkook a bit of a heart attack but he'll take anything as long as the little one accepts him.

Since then, the pair has gone on to play a bit of music - with the older man on xylophone duty, and have storytelling, with Jungwon insisting that Jungkook will be the one to read him Lion King from now on because you definitely can't make your voice as low as Mufasa's.

You got through two photo albums, too, with Jungkook insisting so he could at least feel like he hasn't missed much. You were telling stories to the men, answering questions from them both.

There was that first haircut, the first holiday, the first snow. There was that first stroll down the park, the first swing, the first trip to the beach. There were his first friends, his first day at daycare, then his first day at preschool.

In most photos, there were your parents, your brother, your best friend - the constants in your life who have become constants in Jungwon's, as well, who protected and loved him with their whole hearts, too. And Jungwon has loved them just the same.

You knew there was always something missing, and for some reason, you believe that Jungwon knew that, too.

He never asked to be spoiled by his uncles, never begged for their attention, never asked for more. Even if they were his usual babysitters on nights when you had to pull in more work hours, there was a connection but never the kind of attachment you'd expect from a little kid who probably wonders why he doesn't have a father that he sees everyday. He clung to his uncles for love and support for as long as they were around.

But he would ask about Jungkook in his little ways, ever since he knew him as the man who fixed his toy airplane, who twirled him around and tossed him up and hugged him with every fall back to strong arms.

He was never rowdy around Jungkook the way he'd be with Taehyung - who sometimes was more of the child than your son - or not as attentive the way he'd be with Namjoon, although even you'd be intimidated with your brother's professor-tone of voice and disposition.

With Jungkook, Jungwon was himself. Maybe it's because they're alike in many ways; maybe it's because he sees someone who resembles him, laughs like him, enjoys the same things as him. Regardless, it's like with Jungkook, Jungwon felt understood, seen.

Each man's love had been deliberate but because Jungkook had loved his son unconditionally since he knew, somehow you can't help but think that Jungwon always felt that, too.

You think about all this as you watch both of them make figures out of clay, with Jungkook helping and molding whatever shape Jungwon asks him. They look so good together, so free, so full of love.

Your lips begin to quiver as the emotions from last night and earlier today start to consume you, given that you've been holding them back for fear of upsetting Jungwon and taking away the moment of father and son.

Jungwon tells you everyday that he loves you, he's a sweet kid like that. But you know that he's also capable of loving another the same way, and that person is sitting next to him. He looks so happy, so content, so safe, like how he's always been with you.

And Jungkook radiates with so much joy, too, with so much love and affection. He looks just as happy, as content, as safe.

As Jungwon lifts up his finished product - a brown figure in white - and exclaims "Papa, I made you," you lose it.

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