Chapter 27

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There's a different kind of thrill every time you organize events like this. You think of those hours of conceptualization, planning, coordination, and everything in between, all leading to the moment when it finally comes together - clients are happy, the goal is achieved, and that's another one in the books, and then you go back to start another cycle for another project.

You're always on your toes, though, because literally anything can go wrong. Like a missing signed memorabilia. Or an unhappy patron. Or an art piece that looks nothing like what you initially saw. Or the equipment suddenly not working. Kind of like now.

You like this job because much as you're not the most organized person when it comes to your things, you're pretty damn organized when it comes to your thoughts and your plans. And you always make them happen.

You gather your team, delegate the problem-solving tasks, and make sure they follow through. You work on the other details systematically, ensuring that everyone's focus is on the big things, and you gather the troops some time later to regroup, all until the kinks have been fixed and you're ready to open the door.

By the time the first set of guests arrive, you've retouched your make-up, done your breathing exercises, and sipped a flute of champagne. Your work doesn't end, though, as you continue going around to make sure that everything is in order.

You're in your element and Jungkook watches you from afar as you instruct the servers to pace the drinks because you want the patrons to at least be sober enough when they bid for the items.

He's seen you like this before, as you headed the student club that organized all kinds of events back in college, hence why he barely saw you at the parties that you'd asked him to model for the promotional materials.

But it's his first time to see you do this professionally, and you're still so confident, so assured, and so graceful all the same. He gawks at you looking incredibly stunning, and he can imagine your serious yet beautiful face, judging by the slightly intimidated look of the person you're speaking to.

"You can go to her, it's okay. You're the star of the show anyway," Sarang says, appearing next to Jungkook.

"I'm not really all that, you know?" He laughs.

"Well, those fancy women don't seem to think so," she says, gesturing towards a group of elegantly dressed ladies, whispering to each other and smiling at him, some shyly, some suggestively.

"They're probably a Bears fan," he shrugs.

"Yes, everybody is a Bears fan," she rolls her eyes and pulls on his wrist.

Not wanting to disturb you, he lets Sarang take him to you.

"___, your baby daddy's looking for you," she says, prompting you to turn around and find a gorgeous-looking Jungkook in an all-black ensemble - silk polo with the top button undone, a sleek suit with some crystal embellishment, and slacks that hug his thighs just right. A gold necklace completes the look, a go-to accessory of his.

It doesn't even register that you licked your lips until you hear your friend's incessant giggling. You're thankful that your dress is long enough to hide the way your thighs clench at the sight because Jungkook in this look, especially with how much more built he is now, is heart-stoppingly beautiful.

"Shut up with the baby daddy," you say, playfully smacking her.

"Well, if you don't do anything, he's gonna be someone's baby or daddy, you choose," Sarang chides. "This place is packed with men and women alike eyeing your man. Better claim what's yours before someone else does," she winks then promptly leaves.

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