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The sound of raindrops hitting the windowpane was the only thing that filled the small room. She sat on her bed, staring blankly at the wall, lost in thought. It had been eighteen years since the tragic night that changed her life forever. The night her parents were brutally murdered, and she was left alone, with nothing but a burning desire for revenge.

She had spent countless hours searching for answers, but the truth remained elusive.

And so, she made a plan. She would sneak into their mansion and find the evidence she needed to bring those responsible to justice. It was a dangerous mission, but she was determined to uncover the truth and have her revenge.

As she looked out into the stormy night, she felt a chill run down her spine. She knew that what lay ahead would not be easy, but she was ready. Ready to face her fears, to fight for what was right, and to honor the memory of her parents.

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