stars in her eyes - rudy

Start from the beginning

After a deep breath she spoke again. "Alejarse de mí. Necesito refrescarme." (Get away from me. I need to cool off.)

Alejandro opened his mouth to continue the argument but stopped when he saw Rudy shaking his head. With a sigh the siblings walked in opposite directions. He didn't know who to follow until she spoke.

"I'll see you later." Her tone was still harsh, but he knew it wasn't directed at him.

He nodded and walked off to find Alejandro who always went to the debrief area when he was angry.

"Alejandro?" Rudy called softly as he entered the room.

"She is so irritating!" Alejandro sighed. "Always so stubborn. Should have fought harder to keep her home instead of letting her join Los Vaqueros."

"You don't mean that. You would miss her too much." Rudy told him.

Alejandro knew he was right. He didn't want his sister to get hurt, but Las Almas was a dangerous place, especially without the proper training and protection from others. It was deemed safer for her to join the team when she requested it. Plus, Alejandro would be able to keep a watchful eye over her, something he promised his mother many years ago. He was responsible for her and despite the bickering, they were each others best friend. They couldn't go too long without seeing each other.

"Yeah. I would." Alejandro sighed. "That's not fair. Why are you always right?"

Rudy chuckled.

"I don't know how you do it, but you always somehow get her to stop and calm down. What's your secret?"

"I don't know, Ale." Rudy admitted.

There was a moment of silence before Alejandro hummed. "You know she really likes you right?"

Rudy blushed but didn't let himself get his hopes up that it meant what he wanted it to mean. "I like her. She's a good person, amable." (kind)

Alejandro chuckled. "Rudy, uh," He paused. It was like he was deciding if he was going to continue with what he was going to say.

"You know you can tell me right? No need to keep it a secret." He added. "Veo la forma en que la miras. Te preocupas mucho por ella." (I see the way you look at her. You care for her a lot)

"Alejandro-" Rudy started. He was embarrassed. He felt guilty that his best friend already knew.

"If there was anyone who would hold her heart, I'd be glad that it would be you. Someone I trusted. Someone I know would treat her right." Alejandro said honestly. "You should tell her. She feels the same way. Siempre habla de ti cuando no estás cerca. Se vuelve molesto." (Always talks about you when you're not around. It gets annoying)

Rudy nodded. There was nothing else to be said and so they started to go over the information for the mission.

— — —

"Come on! Hurry up! We're going to miss it!" She insisted, pulling Rudy by the hand. He smiled There was no way they were going to miss it.

When they arrived at a spot she deemed good enough he laid out the blanket he had brought. She put down the basket full of snacks on top before sitting down next to him.

"Are you excited?" She asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yes." He answered. They started to set out the snacks and ate here and there as they chatted. It was calm, comforting. Rudy felt happy. He could see the rest of his life like this. He would be content with life as long as she was in it.

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