7. Argus the Cassanova? Oh, You Mean Creep

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Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I still have only watched episodes one and two of Wolf Pack. I will watch some tonight to get more of a grasp on everyone's personalities. I need two questions answered by you if you don't mind commenting on your opinions.

1. Would you want erotic scenes in this fic? If so, then how erotic? The Pairings would be Stiles with Derek/Argus/Nobel/Harlan/Ev/Maybe some other Teen Wolf Characters. Also, Derek/Harlan... and the original pairing of this fic, Harlan/Ev. Although I do not mind the brother/brother scene (Don't kink shame), I do not want to be the first to perv up the fandom, so don't worry about that in this fic.

2. I am thinking of another Wolf Pack/Teen Wolf fic later in the year. It will be Harlan/Eli (Both 18). Eli will be roaming around the world as Derek did after the fire. Stiles will also feel guilty and try to make up for lost time. He is guilty and is trying to be there for his sons after the events of the Teen Wolf Movie. BTW, I also have plans for a Wolf Pack standalone fic later on in the year once the fandom is a bit more established.

February 7th, 2023
1:23 AM
   Stiles was slightly annoyed as Eli wouldn't drink or eat anything. He was trying to cut him off from breastfeeding since he was over a year old, and he was teething, so it was beginning to hurt for Stiles. He would pump and try formula, but Eli would toss the bottle back to him. Stiles sighed and took off his shirt, giving into the tantrum.

   "You are worse than your father..." Stiles muttered. He didn't see why the 30-year-old liked it too. He thought it was weird for his husband to do it in their sleep. He felt a pair of eyes on him, "Derek... the milk factory is closed after-" He looked up to see that it was Argus. He blushed and covered himself up with his shirt "Derek!"

   "Yeah, Babe?" Derek asked as he walked into the living room. Stiles gestured, annoyed at the werewolf invading his house.

   "Why the fuck is he here... and why is he looking at me like that," He snapped.

   "Because I want to fuck you," Argus said, and Stiles palmed his forehead.

   "I am working on his bluntness... er, He and the others are staying in the basement," Derek said, trying to advert his eyes from Stiles' killer glare at him for not going over it with him. 

   "Maybe I can visit your basement, babe," Argus smirked, and Stiles turned red. Derek walked over to Argus before Stiles could do any damage.

   "Argus, get Tora and Nobel, and we will go for a run around the town's perimeter," Derek said, and Argus shrugged, fetching his siblings. Derek sighed as he heard Stiles standing up and storming to the nursery. He walked after him, knowing he was about to be reprimanded.

   "How could you like that little shit talk to me like that," Stiles snapped as he whispered. Eli fell asleep while eating. When he laid him down in the crib and swaddled him up, he snapped a look up at Derek. Somehow, Stiles was more angry when he saw the look on Derek's face. "Oh... yeah, don't tell me... I found cuckold porn in your search history several years ago." 

   Stiles shoved past him as he turned off the light. Derek carefully rolled his eyes and pinned him to the wall, moving his hands from pinning Stiles' shoulders to cupping his face. "Babe, I am sorry... they have used the phones we got them to watch porn, that's why he is so forward... he thinks you like it,"

   "You bought them a phone?" Stiles asked, and Derek closed his eyes as he was getting himself in more trouble. "Derek... You said we would only be here for a couple of weeks..."

   "That was before I found them... Harlan and Luna are fine, but the other three need help learning how to live a normal life."

   "Derek, I get it. You were called to come here... I want a concrete answer to where we will put a stable home over our son... soon to be second child's heads." Stiles said, and Derek understood why Stiles had been so stressed out, "And I would prefer to do that without savage werewolves eating me like I am just an ass,"

   "He doesn't only see you like that... he is just trying to communicate to you in a way he thinks you will like,"

   "Stop. Defending. Him," Stiles crossed his arms, and Derek kissed his forehead, "Don't you dare say you are working on his manners..." he said as Derek was going to say another excuse.

   "Stiles... their bio parents abandoned them, their two siblings wandered off from them and saved while they had to fend for themselves for 18 years... They can't be normal with a snap of a finger,"

   "I know that, Der... I would enjoy you running something by me before I am violated while trying to feed our fussy son,"

   "I know... I know, I am working on it," Derek said, and Stiles gave him a 'you're impossible' face. "I promise, I will reprimand him... he is the only one disrespecting you. Nobel gets awkward because he gets a boner every time he is around you, and Tora is afraid of you," Derek said, and Stiles made a face. "What was that for?" He asked. They had always been a sex-positive couple. Stiles was the only human who didn't run for the hills when he was told sometimes the pack guys would need to breed with him for pack bonding.

   "It's nothing..." Stiles said.

   "Stiles," Derek said a bit sternly.

   "It's just... I don't feel attractive. Why does everyone want to mount me when I feel disgusting about myself." Stiles rubbed his elbow, and his nose turned red. These were verbal cues to Derek to tell that his husband was uncomfortable.

   "You just have the Baby Blues," Derek said, and Stiles raised an eyebrow, "it is normal to feel this way when you just have a baby, and you are carrying, so your mood swings are just making you feel worse."

   "I am supposed to be the therapist in this relationship," Stiles sighed, and Derek kissed his lips. Derek tugged some hair behind Stiles' ears.

   "I have to go now... We will be back in a couple of hours,"
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