"So this is Noruldra? I wonder why I'm seeing this memory?" She thought that to herself and then she noticed someone that caught her eye, that someone was me in my original body I was talking with a women and seeing how I was happy around her she assumed she was my mother. But something about her seemed off to her and taking a closer looked at the other tribe members in comparing them to me, it made her raise an eyebrow looking back at me as I was pitching my an empty basket.

"She's the only one here that has those eyes and her skin tone is different as well?" While thinking I walked past her and heading to the trail and she looked over at me seeing me walking off and looking back at at my mother seeing the almost upset look on her face when she sighed and nodding her head no, that didn't seem right to her and looking at the women more closely she noticed that I didn't really look like her much.

"Something's off and I have a feeling even Hela doesn't know it?" Now being more curious Charlie ran off to where I had wondered off, by the time she had found me I had started picking herbs that I had found and put it in my basket. While still picking more herbs both of us heard what sounded like someone singing, hearing that made me stop what I was doing and stood up out of curiosity.

"Where the fuck is that singing coming from?" Thinking that Charlie kept up with me as the both of us started following where the singing was coming from, Charlie recognized that song since it was the same song that summoned my staff. After what seemed like endless walking the voice had led both me and Charlie to a small cave.

"I had no idea this was here?" I said that in Noruldra tongue but because Charlie was bonded to me she was able to understand me, being curious I went in the cave and Charlie followed me. At first it was pitch dark the more deeper it got but then I light came from what looked like thee other side coming down, reaching that end both I and Charlie where surprised by what we where seeing. In front of us was thee clearest lake that the water looked like it was made of crystal because it was so clear and the light where actually beautiful glowing crystals on the ceiling.

"What a beautiful cave." Charlie said that as she looked with her eyes and I had started walking forward to the water, I stopped myself at the shore of the water with my feet barely touching that water.

"Are you the voice? Are you HER?" I questioned that out loud in hopes of getting an answer, instead of getting a verbal answer the crystals started glowing more brighter and then the lights concatenated to a small sphere of light in the crystals that started moving on it's own and upon that light going down to the lake. The second the light went into the lake the center of the lake started opening on it's own which released out more light and the hole started opening more and then it started leading what looked like a pathway out of the water to where I was standing, the moment the pathway was completed it showed a completed different aware like a gateway to a brand new location and on the ground of the path showed a row of the crystals that Charlie recognized as the same crystals that was used for my staff. 

"Kahtohallan." Both Charlie and I said that at the same time, Charlie just stood there in aw as I started walking the path that was in front of me. However just when Charlie was about to follow me to her shock the crystals had quickly spiked up long enough to black Charlie's path.

"The fuck?" Just as she said that the crystals had spiked down and instead of the entrance being open like it was before down stood a wall of water and two shadow silhouette one of them was taller than thee other by an inch and she knew that silhouette well.

"Was is that?....Mom?" Seeing her mother's silhouette only confused Charlie more, what was when more she seeing the male silhouette from what she could tell was a male Noruldra kissing her hand Charlie's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"Hold on? What the fuck am I looking at? Was my mom involved with the Noruldra before my dad?" Seeing that wasn't what woke Charlie up what woke her up was her turning around and suddenly seeing her mother standing right behind her, Charlie had woken up in cold sweat and panting. Yes it woke up Vaggie and she was worried seeing the expression on Charlie's face

"Hun are you okay?" Charlie nod her head no before answering her

"I-I don't know? I-I'm not sure I know my own family anymore?"

During that time in the living room I had just gotten the case's of the 400 year old wine from it's location and brought it back to my place, me and Angel Dust where the first to taste it. The taste blow Angel Dust's mind and I was happy with the taste

"Mmmm..perfect I knew aging them in sea water was the right thing to do." I said that while pouring myself another glass and I poured Angel Dust another glass, he wasn't thee only one I poured a glass too I invited Lucifer and he rushed to my home in wanted to try the wine himself.

"The other wine bottle you gifted me taste like water compared to this stuff. You really made this?" Lucifer questioned that to me after he drank his glass and I answered him

"During my time as Luther Monck, I had just gained that title was when I started making the wine now having the land and money to do it. I discovered that aging wine in sea water gives it a unique taste just after a year of aging." While talking I grabbed the bottle and smiled at it while holding it up

"I realized the longer the aging the better the taste, before leaving and coming to the new world I had made three hundred bottle as you can see and I patiently waited for them to age perfectly I have all the time in the world to wait and I knew four hundred years was thee perfect age for THIS wine any longer it would have too aged....Also in making me less home sick." Me saying that make Angel Dust and Octavia a little confused as did Lucifer but I kept talking

"During the harvest moon the Noruldra celebrated and threw a type of festivities, we would use this very same drink for the celebration along with others. Of course during the time I couldn't find all the ingredients but I knew aging would make it taste identical and I haven't celebrated it since becoming Hela Blood." 

"When's the next harvest moon?" Angel Dust questioned that to me and I answered him

"It's actually on devil's night on the 30th. Why?"

"Why not celebrate it this year?" Him making that offer to me surprised me

"Are you serious?"

"Yay, I mean why not? Hela we're a part of your life now. Wouldn't hurt to be part of your Noruldra traditions even once."

Eternal SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora