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🦁 - are you sure that you want nothing out of this merger?

🐰 - yes...

Yibo look at him as he is suspicious of the man as he spoke,

🦁 - are you sure?

🐰 - yes

🦁 - then I should leave

But before he could leave a voice is heard,

🐰 - Mr. Wang

🦁- yes

🐰- I want to ask something from you...

🦁- what is it

🐰- will you be able to give me

🦁- yes, Mr. Sean

🐰- what if I ask you for me from this merger...

🦁- means

🐰- That I want you to be mine in return for this merger..

🦁- will you be able to handle me

🐰- yes

🦁- then I am yours, Mr. Sean

🐰- and I am your Mr. Wang...


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