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🦁 - Geeeeee..... Please

🐰 - no yibo..

🦁 - it's last this time

🐰 - you said that last time too...

🦁 - but that was just yesterday and it was of limited edition and this one is the latest edition too, so plz...

🐰 - (started counting on his finger) and ten, (shows to yibo) bobo, you bought ten sets saying the same thing in the past three days, (making Yibo pout)

🦁 - (with a pout) but I want this lego set...

🐰 - no Yibo...

And with this was about to move when Yibo launched himself on Zhan capturing his lips as after kissing his husband for a few minutes he spoke,

🦁 - now can I get it...

🐰 - (shocked) huh?

🦁 - you got the kiss... So bobo can get lego...

🐰 -(wih chuckle) do you think kiss can make me melt...

🦁 - (with proud look) yes...

🐰 - no dear...

🦁 - ( with a frown) then what do you want...

Zhan on hearing this moved toward Yibo and bent at his ear level as he whispered something in his boy's ear making Yibo blush

🐰 - if you want lego, I want this...

🦁 - (who really want lego) okay...

🐰 - (smile) you can have it...

🦁 - yippee....

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