•°•°Chapter Nine°•°•

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--- Auther POV ---
---- With Naruro ---

The stars are so pretty. The night will forever be my favorite day. The moon remines me of Itach so mitress, the night sky is Sasuke so dark and The stars is Shisui so bright, then Sasuke and Itachi the emos brothers.

[ I love how Naruto is have a moments think about Itachi and the others, while with Itachi, Sasuke, and Shisui is trying to stay alive because of Izumi😪😪]

Naruto looked at his necklace that was shining " They say I'm their sun to their night,  but the day never meets night. How am I going to get close to Itachi if I'm far from the moon? The sun and moon never met.....like the day and night..." Naruto said to himself. Suddenly his mom spoked " Day and night does meet, same with the sun and the moon" Naruto looked at his mom.

" How so?" Naruto asked, Kushina smiled at her son " when the day and nights meets its Dawn, Sunset, sunrise, or dusk." Kushina answered. Naruto look back up in the sky " Then....how does the sun meet its moon?" Naruto asked, Kushina looked up at the sky " that also easy, the solar eclipse" Naruto shook his head.

" Thats not it, they are not close togather like night and day.." Kushina sighed " That maybe true, but you don't have to be right next to each other to love one another. For example the moon and sun aways loved each other, but they knew they never will be close to one another because of their differences. One day they tried to get close to one another, then thats when they realise the danger of that happening.....So thats when they decided meet up togather every once a year for a day be close to each other. When the do get togather you can see their beauty when they are togather. Even they not by each other side, they still love one another.." Kushina spoked.

Naruto looked down and Kushina looked at Naruto necklace " Itachi saying that: your his sun to his moon. Naruto" Kushina told. Naruto blused and looked away " Momma! Don't say thing like that" Naruto pouted, Kushina lauged and pinched Naruto cheek.

" Me and your father know about the crush you have on Itachi" Kishina smerked. Naruto went red " Momma! Stop!" He embarrassedly yelled.

--- With Shisui and Itachi ---

They made it the Atune parents house. They barged in the house " Sasuku go check on Tenten to see if she alright" Shisui said. Sasuke nodded he's head and went upstairs, both Shisui and Itachi went in side the kitchen to find Atune on the ground.

" Atune!" Shisui ran to his girlfriend, Atune looked at Shisui " This shit hurt as fuck, where did that bitch go?" Atune asked. Shisui picked up his girlfriend " Let's not worry about her right now, we have to get you to the hospital now" Atune nodded her head.
" Sasuke!Tenten! We are leaving!" Shisui yelled. Itachi looked at his cousin " I'll call her parents and wait on them here " Itachi said.

Shisui wasnt sure if that was a good idea and Itachi could tell Shisui was so sure about this. Itachi grabbed his cousin shoulder " Don't worry I'll be fine, take Sasuke and Tenten with you" Itachi said. Shisui looked down and sighed " Alright.... But you better call me Itachi, im deadass" Itachi smiled " I will, now go!"

--- One hour later ---

Itachi called Atune and Tenten parents, they said they will be there in a bit. Itachi sat down on the coach waiting for them suddenly
" Itachi-kun~" Izumi voice ecod in the house. Itachi got up and grabbed the near by knife " Izumi....I swear you are testing my limits!" Then a giggle was heard.

Izumi walked in the house from.the broken window. Then Izumi kicked the knife out Itachi hand, then.Atune parent came in the house well just ther father [ Atune and Tenten mother went to the hospital where her daughters at] they all looked at each other.

Then a random person knocked out the father " what took you!?" Izumi yelled. Her partner looked like he was scared of her "s-..sorry" he said. Itachi looked at Izumi stomach that Atune stabbed her from.

* How could she still stand if she hurt?* Itach asked himself.

[ pretenf that everybody could fight in this story ]

[ Izumi the girl........Itachi the guy.......and Izumi partner is the man that gave her the sword]

Itachi couldn't belived he has killed somebody at lease that what he thought. Izumi partner picked her up and ran. Itachi went up and check if the pass out man was alright.

Itachi was released that the man was still breathing. Itachi put the man arms around his shoulder and walked him to his[ Atune and Tenten father car] He grabbed the man car keys and started driving.

Itachi called Shisui


Whats up?

We have a problem.......

To Young For Me[ItaNaru] Rewriten[You're too young]Where stories live. Discover now