Chapter 21: Cal

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Della knocked on the door of Elliott's mansion. The door was opened by a bodyguard. He stepped aside, a dagger on him. All of Elliott's bodyguards had daggers. That was Elliott's favorite weapon.

We walked inside, Della and I thanked the bodyguard, and then we went upstairs with another bodyguard escorting us. I was told to wait in the hallway as Della was brought into a meeting room. It wasn't meant for anyone who is less important than a Great One. Not even their bodyguards.

I talked briefly with the bodyguard that escorted us, and then saluted as Elliott walked past. He stopped in front of me. I lowered my head and repeated the words that were burned into my head. "Your Great One."

He walked right past me, into the meeting room. I knew it would take a while, so the bodyguard, who introduced himself as Finn, brought me to Elliott's room and knocked on the door. It was opened by Chloe. She smiled sorrowfully and stepped out of the room to talk to me.

The bodyguard left us alone to talk. We both walked down the stairs and to the 1st floor living room in silence. We both sat on the leather couch. I sighed and decided to break the silence. "Are you okay?"

She didn't say anything, so I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes and shook her head. My eyes widened a little. I didn't expect her to admit it. She finally opened her mouth and spoke in a quieted whisper. "I need help."

I fixed my posture. "What do you need help with? What is he doing to you?" I tried to speak quietly as well.

She looked at me. I could see the fear in her eyes. "He is dangerous. I want him killed. I NEED him to be killed." She lifted her shaky hand and pointed at me, digging her index finger into my chest. "And I need YOU to do it. You're the one of the only ones who can try. He would never suspect it if it's Della's bodyguard that saved her."

I licked my lips. "But you'll die if I do that."

She shook her head. "I don't care. At least something useful will come out of my death. I can't keep living like this. It's torture!"

I was afraid to ask. But I had to. "What is he doing to you?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She quickly shot up and cleaned her face of tears. I got up as well and walked forward. Della came around the corner first. She smiled when she saw me. "Cal! We're done! We're coming back in 3 days."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

I went to walk to the door with her when Chloe grabbed my arm. I turned and saw her face full of worry. "In 3 days. You will do it in 3 days."

My eyes widened a little. Before I could respond, Elliott came around the corner as well. Chloe let go of my arm and walked to Elliott. I saw how Elliott grabbed her arm and spoke into her ear. Now that I thought about it, he seemed evil. Something about him was off.

I watched as he went back up the stairs with her. I walked out the door as I continued to watch him walking with her. I noticed everything. The way his robe dragged against the stairs. The way Chloe was shaking, the way Elliott smiled, the way he gripped her arm with extreme strength, turning her arm red. And then the door closed and Della and I walked to the vehicle.

When we both got back to the mansion, Della was looking at me a lot. I tried to hide the worry on my face, but it was hard. How could I just act like nothing had happened back there? Chloe was basically asking me to kill her. Was he that terrible? What was he doing to her? And why did she fear him so much?

"Cal?" My eyes widened and I looked across the dining table at Della. We were eating lunch. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since we left."

My heart started beating faster. What do I tell her? I shook my head. "It's nothing. I was just worried about Chloe, that's all."

She looked down at her fork. "Oh... okay." She went silent for a few seconds before continuing. "I'm worried about her too. I don't know what's happening to her, but it's enough to make her act like that. I already know that Elliott is a bad person, I just don't know how bad."

My heart was beating faster. I need to tell her. I HAD to tell her. I can't just keep it a secret. Keeping a secret from your Great One is rebellious. You could be executed for that. But I know that Della wouldn't do that to me. But even though I know that, I can't just keep it a secret. I can't. I looked up at her, deciding on what I was going to do. "Della?"

She looked up at me with curious eyes. "Yes?"

I took a deep breath. How was I gonna tell her? I also needed her help. Maybe get her to go to the bathroom and I walk into the meeting room and attack him. Chloe could get the other bodyguards on board, since they obviously hate him.

I sighed deeply. "Okay..." I looked up at her eyes, knowing that I can't back down now. "I need to tell you what really happened at Elliott's mansion."

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