Chapter 11: Chloe

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I felt sick. Elliott had used me how you would use a purple-eyed person. I lay in his bed and tried not to cry. He had given me a white dress to wear.

He was currently writing at his desk. He told me not to bother him.

I glanced over at him. I hated him. I felt sick just looking at him. He turned and looked at me. His eyes were in a natural frown.

I wonder what Oden was doing down on land instead of in the beautiful haven that the gods lived in. We call it Eden.

Elliott stood up and walked over to me. He ordered me to sit up and face him. I obeyed. I put my hands on my lap. He leaned closer to me. I thought he might kiss me. But then he reached his hand out and ran his fingers through my hair. He stared at it and I even noticed that he smiled a little.

He looked at my lips and then my eyes. He stopped smiling when he saw my eyes. He reached his hands over and covered my eyes. He stayed still for a little. And then I felt his lips on mine. I was confused. But when he stopped kissing me, he uncovered my eyes. When I saw him again, he was looking away.

He got up and walked back. "Elliott?"

He grunted as if he were telling me to ask my question. "Why do you always wear a robe?"

He stopped. "I don't like pants. They're uncomfortable."

I heard a knock on the door. We both looked in the direction of the noise. The door opened to reveal one of his main bodyguards. I think his name is Finn.

He saluted him and stared at nothing. "Your Great One, Della is here to see you."

Elliott nodded and dismissed him. He told me to get dressed and then left the room. I did as he told me and got into the default uniform that all of Elliott's bodyguards wear.

I wore thick black pants and a long sleeve, collared shirt. I put a vest on with it as well. We had steel-toe boots for shoes.

I opened the door and walked out. I went down the stairs to see what Della needed. But when I got down there, the only person I saw was Cal. My eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Chloe! How are you? Della wanted me to come with her."

I wanted to answer his question, but I don't know what I would say. Instead, I just looked away. "Where did they go?"

I went the rest of the way down the stairs and then turned to the hallway behind the staircase. I heard Cal answer me. "They went to the security room."

Why? I walked down the hall to the security room. I was about to open the door when I heard them talking. I heard Della's voice. "He said it was during a ball 5 years ago."

I heard Elliott's voice. "I have many balls each year. I need specifics."

I turned away and walked back to where Cal was. They were looking at the footage. I walked up to him and smiled at him, trying to make him believe that I was fine and wasn't suffering at the moment.

Cal smiled at me. "So! How is everything going?"

My smile faltered. It was hard to keep my cool. "It's nice. A lot better than I thought." It's worse than I thought. It's so much worse!

Cal didn't believe me. I could tell. "What's wrong, Chloe? What is he actually like?"

I felt tears prick in my eyes. But I couldn't cry. I don't want Elliott to know that I was talking to Cal about how horrible of a person he is. I don't even want him to know that Cal knows that I don't like him.

I took a deep breath. I couldn't escape this. I had to answer him. But before I did, I heard Elliott walking back with Della. "What are you two talking about?"

He walked with great posture and elegance. Della walked next to him with something in her hands. It was a security tape. I still didn't know why. She smiled at me. "Hi, Chloe! How have you been?"

Elliott answered for me with a smile. "She's been great. She surely is strong!"

I haven't even used my strength. The others told Elliott bye, and Della thanked him, but while they were leaving, Elliott said one more thing. "Oh, and Della! I'm having another ball next week. Don't miss it."

Della smiled at him and said that she would be there, and then left me alone with him and the bodyguards again. Elliott grabbed my arm hard without looking at me. "You didn't say anything, right?"

I winced at his strength. "N-no! I didn't say anything!"

Then he smiled a bit. "Good." He turned to me and went to kiss me, but then he stopped. He covered my eyes with his hand, and then kissed me. Why?

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