Chapter 20: Della

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It was dark. It was so dark. I couldn't hear anything except a tapping sound. Tap. Tap. Tap. It won't stop. It's driving me crazy. I thought my head might explode. I looked around for any sign of light. But there was nothing.

I tried to move toward the sound. Tap. Tap. Tap. I got closer. The sound got louder. TAP. TAP. TAP. It got so loud that I had to cover my ears. It was like a banging against my eardrums. But I still didn't see anything.

I winced as it suddenly got louder. It was so loud. It hurt so much. And then it stopped. I opened my eyes, expecting to see darkness. But instead, I saw Cal. He was holding the sides of my head, covering my ears. His hands covered my own. But when he did it, it was actually effective.

He spoke with a smile. I was able to understand him despite my ears being covered. "No matter what, I'll protect you."

I smiled, finally comfortable. Finally not alone. But then Cal stopped smiling. My eyes widened in fear as I saw fire from underneath his feet. It was rising higher and higher until it covered his whole body.

His arms fell and the tapping continued. TAP. TAP. TAP. TAP. It was louder. It was fed with Cal's screams as he burned alive in the fire. And behind him, I saw Elliott. He was smiling evilly.

I woke up with a gasp. I jolted upward, trying to catch my breath. I looked around the room, looking for Cal. He wasn't there. I ripped the blankets off and ran out of the room. I started banging on Cal's door, despite the fact that it was still dark out.

The door opened quickly, revealing Cal's worried face. I felt relieved when I saw him. He was fine. I tried to calm my heart as I quickly hugged him. Obviously confused, he hugged me back, willing to comfort me despite the fact that I interrupted his sleep.

When I pulled away from the hug, he put his hands on my shoulders and smiled. "Are you okay? What happened?"

I looked down, now embarrassed that I freaked out over a silly dream. "I uh... had a... nightmare." I sounded like a little kid going to their caretakers. Why was I like this?

I looked back up at Cal. He was smiling warmly. It was nice. His smile comforted me and made me feel better. "Do you need company?"

I nodded my head. "That would be nice."

Cal walked with me back to my room and sat in the chair next to my bed. I laid back down, covering up. He put my hands on my stomach and stared at my ceiling. I wanted to find something to talk to him about. But I didn't know what.

I looked over at him. He was originally looking around the room but then his eyes met mine. I felt myself blush. I looked away. Instead of me starting the conversation, he said something first. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Awake, I guess." I stayed silent for a few seconds before I remembered something. "I have to go to Elliott's mansion tomorrow to talk about the shooting."

I looked at him. He was looking down. He looked troubled. "Do you think Chloe is okay?"

I thought about how Chloe looked when I last saw her. She looked so upset and bothered. "I don't know. I don't think Elliott is treating her right, though."

I'm afraid of what he might be doing to her. Elliott is very mysterious. He's hiding many things. That's obvious. But what if Chloe knows those secrets? Is that why she seems so scared of him? I felt a lump in my throat. I don't know what to do. I want to help her but I don't know how. What would I even be helping her with? Would I be saving her from Elliott?

I looked at Cal, about to say something, but his eyes were closed. He was sleeping. His breathing was rhythmic and his muscles were relaxed. His mouth was slightly open, and he was lightly snoring.

I tried to look away, but I couldn't get myself to. He was so attractive. He looked so relaxed too. I wanted to get up and kiss him. His lips looked soft too. I shook my head. I need to stop with those thoughts. He won't like me back, and he won't reject me. I looked at my bookshelf. I looked at the book, A Pea In A Pod. I should learn a lesson from that book. Don't make the same mistake she did.

I looked back at Cal, this time feeling sorrow. I like him a lot. But I can't tell him. I can never tell him. No matter what. No matter how strong my feelings get, we will always be separated by rank.

I looked up at the ceiling, tears pricking my eyes. If only this world wasn't like this. If only we were able to love who we wanted with no leering eyes. If only we could do what we wanted. If only everyone was treated the same. I wish that there weren't any Great Ones, bodyguards, slaves, farmers, scorekeepers, teachers. I wish we could choose if we wanted those jobs. I wish we were rewarded for doing those jobs.

I wish I could be with Cal. I wish Chloe could be free. I wish Cal could be free. I wish Elliott was gone. I wish... I wish we were free.

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