Chapter 2: Della

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I walked to the doorway of the kitchen. I looked at Cal cooking food so peacefully. He didn't notice me. His face seemed so peaceful. It was a lot different than when I was in his presence.

I was always told that I need to be strict and mean. I have seen so many examples of Great Ones. And I always feel like I have to be like Yan since I am her replacement. Even when I met the others. Elliott, Haroa's Great One, is the type to heavily abuse his bodyguards. He treats them like slaves. He told me that lower life forms have no importance to the world. That they are just scum meant to serve us. They don't deserve opinions or wants. Not even needs.

But as I look at Cal, with a small smile on his face, I believe Elliott even less. Cal is worthy of happiness. He's worthy of being treated with respect.

I stepped a little closer to him, entering the kitchen. But when I did, he quickly turned around, surprised, and then lost his whole peaceful aura. He put his hand behind him, lifted his chin, and spread his legs to align with his shoulders.

I felt instant pain, knowing that I wouldn't get to see that side of him with him knowing that I was here. I shook my head. "No, please go back to cooking. Just pretend I'm not here."

He responded in the voice that all the bodyguards speak. "Yes, my Great One."

He turned around and kept cooking, but this time he was stiff. I felt my face fall into a frown. I turned around and walked away. I stood by the doorway and said one last thing before walking away. "I'll be in my room."

I walked down the hall and up the stairs until I got to my room. I opened the door and walked inside, closing it behind me. I lay on my bed and waited. I read a book as I did so. It was one about a rebel slave. It was a fiction book. I heard someone talking about the book once and found out that he ends up ruling everyone at the end and his eyes change to a Great One's eyes.

As I flipped another page, going to page 334, I heard a knock on the door. I put the bookmark back in the book and then set it down next to me. I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and looked at Cal. I smiled at him. But he was looking down at the food, respecting me as any Great One would want.

I grabbed the food and thanked him. I turned around, about to close the door, when I thought for one moment. I continued to walk. "Come in."

He followed behind me and closed the door, standing behind it with his hands behind his back. He looked forward at nothing. I set the food down on a foldable table at the side of my bed. I sat on the mattress and grabbed a fork.

"Elliott has organized a ball for tonight. We are all expected to be there. Of course, we don't have to but it would be bad to not go. You should get dressed in a few hours. We must leave at 9 PM."

He nodded. "Yes, my Great One."

I stayed silent for a few more seconds. I looked over at him and saw his eyes dart away from my food and back to the wall. I looked at my food and sighed. I'm not even hungry. I looked back at him and sat farther onto my bed, sliding away my book. "Are you hungry?"

He flinched. He stayed silent for a second before answering. "I do not matter my Great One."

I smiled a little. They are trained to say that they are worthless and stuff like that anytime they need something. Even water. We always come first. I stood up. "Please, eat something. I'm not hungry."

He looked over at the food. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again. He seemed unsure. I spoke again. "Cal."

His eyes darted over to me. "Are you sure, my Great One?"

I nodded with a smile. "Of course."

He looked back at the food and let his hands fall to his sides. He began to slowly walk to the side of my bed. He stopped right in front of the table, on the opposite side that I was. He grabbed a piece of bread and then a butter knife, slicing a small piece of butter and spreading it on the soft bread. He put the knife down and took a bite of the bread, slowly. It looked as if he expected to get in trouble for eating the food.

I smiled a little more. I didn't move. It looked as if he were getting less tense. He ate the rest of the bread and then ate a few grapes. He glanced back at me before grabbing a fork and taking a few bites of the salmon. And then he stopped and backed off.

I tilted my head. "Are you done?"

He nodded. "Yes, my Great One."

I walked over to the table and grabbed the tray of food. "I'll put this away. Go get ready for the ball."

He put his hand up, stopping me. "That is my job. I wouldn't bother you with such a troubling task."

I chuckled. "It's not so bad. I can deal with this. Just go get ready."

He looked at me, nervous. I sighed and grabbed the tray. "That's an order, Cal Madden."

He tensed up and nodded. "I apologize, my Great One."

He left the room and walked across the hall. I walked out as well and went down the stairs to put the food away.

After I was done, I went to get dressed. I put on a light pink dress that ended at my knees, with white laces covering my stomach. It had no sleeves and the straps went to the back of my neck and tied together, exposing my back. I put on pink flats and then grabbed my matching bag and left the room.

I walked over to Cal's room and knocked on the door before opening it. I peeked inside but didn't expect what I would see next. Cal was standing there, shirtless. He was putting on a dress shirt, but I could see scars on his muscular back. They covered him as if he were whipped for years and years.

My breath hitched, and as it did, Cal flinched and spun around to see me. He covered himself with the dress shirt, eyes wide. "My Great One!"

I quickly closed the door and waited outside. What are they doing to the lower ranks?!

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