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The legend says that it all started with the magnificent one. His name was Juda Bebore. He lived alone on beautiful land for 10 lifetimes. But he got bored, so he created 15 daughters and 1 son. They all lived happily, never fighting.

That was, until Epimora, the 2nd eldest daughter, wanted to love someone. Of course, Juda said no, thinking that their family was enough. She listened for a couple more years. But she just couldn't handle it. So she went to her brother, Oden. She told him about an idea she had. And he agreed.

2 more years passed, and they acted. Epimora was attacked by Oden on the day before she turned 60,363 years old. It was all an act, to get the father to tell her that she needs a bodyguard. But it turns out, Oden lied to her.

He killed Epimora with his power. And then he killed their father, and then Riley, Mei, Alicia, Sherry, Hellan, Giana, Nollia, Lorry, Calora, Haroa, Emmy, Paula, and Kiana. That left one more daughter. The eldest. Her name was Sarah. She knew what was coming, and she killed Oden herself, forever leaving a marking on his corpse, showing how he died.

Oden had a marking on his chest where she had ripped his heart out from the back. It was a hand with long, black fingernails. Sarah, in great sadness about her siblings being gone, created a world for her to rule. She created people with things unlike her and her siblings. They had eyes. A window to a soul. She decided that whatever color their eyes came to be, will be their role in life.

She created people just under her rank. The Great Ones. They had eyes that changed from color to color every few seconds. And they had markings. There are 15 great ones at a time, and when one dies, instead of the others being lonely forever, another one is born. Their markings will be the same as the magnificence that is watching over them. One god at a time. All but Oden.

Sarah thought about how to protect these people. She decided to make bodyguards for them. They could have as many as they want. And the bodyguards will double as a butler or a maid as well. The Great Ones will live as long as a Magnificent, and the bodyguards will live until their master is killed, and then they will have 2 weeks more to live if they don't get another master in that period.

Then to make everything better, there are more roles for people with lesser positions. And that is how this world we call "normal" was created.

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