Chapter 6: Cal

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1 Week Later~

Della and I have gotten closer lately. I've learned that she isn't as bad as the other Great Ones. I was always taught to never show any signs of having an opinion around a great one, except Della wants me to always state my opinion, and no matter what, always talk freely in front of her.

Yesterday, she told me a made-up story and wanted me to rate it 1 out of 10, and when I told her 10, she shook her head and made me say another one. She revealed that she was lying about trying her hardest. She just wants to let me know that I can be honest with her. Which, it's hard to go against my years of training, but then again, I was always trained to do whatever they want.

Della told me that as a late birthday present, I could go plan a visit with my parents. When two people with pink eyes fall in love, they can get married under one condition. They need to make two children that are in perfect condition and are not slaves, and then they can marry after their kids turn 8. But they are not allowed to live together so they can't have another child and hide them. That was a problem a long time ago.

I showed my ID to the scanner in front of the large building. Cars zoomed past me from behind. People were talking loudly. I heard the scanner beep and the door open to reveal a room that was very clean and taken care of. To the left, there was a couch against the big window that was flawless. A potted plant sat next to it with a rug finishing the look. There was a desk right in front of me with a line of people waiting to talk to the one worker at the front. There were two elevators behind the desk. To my right, some stairs went up, and then some went down to the basement. The stairs were a white marble color, matching the rest of the floor and the front desk.

I stepped into the line to wait. I stayed silent until it was my turn. When it was, I stepped forward and greeted the lady with a respectful bow of my head. She was young, much like me. She had green eyes, white, straight hair that ended at her chin, with perfectly cut bangs. She smiled at me beautifully. "Can I help you?"

I nodded. "Yes, I'd like to schedule a visit?"

She nodded. "What is your name?"

I stated my name. "Madden, Cal."

She typed into her keyboard, staring at the holographic screen. She stopped and looked at me. "Who is it for?"

I answered quickly. "My mother and father."

She typed some more. "Have you had your yearly visit?"

I shook my head. She typed more. She looked back and smiled. "They are free next Tuesday, and after that, they can do Friday. If plans don't change, you will have a spot in one of our family rooms. Would you like to rent a premium or would you like the default for free?"

I shook my head. "Just default."

She nodded and then clicked enter. "It's done. Thank you for using Great Visits. Come back next year."

I turned and left the building. When I closed the door behind me, I looked around at the crowded city. I have to hurry up and get back to Della. I looked to my right and saw a brown-eyed person, a farmer, kicking a slave that was already on the ground, screaming at him about something.

I looked forward and began walking. I passed up a strip club with two yellow-eyed bouncers. I saw painted pictures on the wall of a beautiful, purple-eyed woman. She was practically naked. That's the respect that prostitutes get. They're nothing more than humanoids for personal pleasure.

I looked back forward and attempted to ignore my surroundings. But of course, as I continued to walk, I felt someone grab the bottom of my shirt. I quickly turned around, ready to attack the person, when I realized it was a little boy. I looked at his eyes first. They were black. I felt a smile sneaking onto my lips, but I stopped it.

The little boy seemed to be about 5. "I'm lost! Can you help me?" He lost his caretaker.

I crouched in front of him. "What does your caretaker look like? "

He looked around. "She's tall. And she has orange eyes. And she has brown hair. And. And she's wearing a yellow dress."

I nodded. "Okay. Well, let's get you back to your caretaker."

I looked around, no one catching my eye, and grabbed the kid's hand, turning around. I asked him which direction he came from and he pointed to our right. We both walked into the crowd, getting a few people to glance at us, wondering why a bodyguard was with a bodyguard kid.

I looked around, examining each person, but I did not see one that matched the kid's description.

I felt a tug on my shirt and looked down. The kid pointed to our left, pointing his arm in front of me. I looked in the direction he was pointing and saw a woman with long, curly, brown hair and bright orange eyes. She had freckles covering her face. She looked horrified while she was holding the hands of two little girls. One had blonde pigtails with brown eyes, and the other had an orange ponytail with green eyes. But as the woman was frantically looking around, letting her dress blow around in the wind, her eyes finally landed on the boy holding my hand. Relief filled her face as she ran up to us, bringing the girls with her.

She looked at me first. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

I nodded. "It's alright. Just don't lose track of him again. And definitely don't let a Great One find out. You'll be executed."

She nodded, a little more scared now. "Yes. Well, thank you so much for going out of your way to return him."

I nodded again and let the little boy go to her as I turned back around to leave.

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