Interruption - Continued | 28

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You threw a glare at Kaeya, shaking your head in annoyance. "Well, if such a pleasant guy like you finds a woman whom you wish to wife, I'll be sure to bring chaos to you too." He only grinned at your response, eyes drifting back to the commotion ensuing.

You easily could cause a hassle for him, the many times you lost control would be perfect to ruin a day or two. You halted your thinking before you began to plot an episode, and shifted your gaze back to Scaramouche and Raiden.

The tension had become even thicker, both creation and creator staring each other down. It was a feeling unknownst to you, the power fighting against one another before a finger had even been lifted.

"You," Scaramouche cursed, his fists clutched tight at the sides of his hips.

Raiden narrowed her eyes, quickly glancing over the crowd around them. Everyone still gripped their weapons, ready for an explosion, and kids hid behind adults, wary of the commotion. Raiden's eyes fell upon Zhongli and Venti with a hesitant look, though she didn't hold her gaze for long, quickly going back to Scaramouche. You couldn't see Zhongli or Venti's reaction to meeting eyes but you imagined Zhongli would have remained stoic and Venti, most likely an unnatural hard gaze.

"Why are you acting in such an improper manner?" Raiden looked down upon Scaramouche with a look of disgust and disappointment.

Scaramouche practically sniggered, "And what right do you have to claim I'm acting improperly? Who are you to say such a thing?"

"You know who I am."

"What? Should I call you Mother?" He laughed a hideous laugh, "creator? Puppet master? You're none of these, my power over exceeded any of those, if anything, I am but a creator myself."

"Creator of chaos," Ajax muttered beside you, earning a sharp glare from Scaramouche.

"You are nothing but a broken vessel." Raiden crossed her arms, "a broken vessel belongs in a furnace."

"Well, isn't that just rude?" Scaramouche scoffed at the woman, sliding a few steps to the side, his face becoming hidden from your view. It seemed that he had a plan building up in his mind and he was taking slow steps of action.

The narrowed eyes of Raiden showed she knew he was setting his idea in motion and quickly acted herself, running his way at a sharp angle, the way he was moving to. Quicker than your eyes could follow, her blade swished towards him, (this blade appearing from her chest?) causing Scaramouche to jump back. The crowd around them dispersed, leaving room for the alteration.

Of course, you stayed alert, but an itch in the back of your mind (buried by the concern for everyone's safety) was the desire to sigh and shout at the immaturity of disrupting your wedding and also the desire to allow your mind to flip the switch preventing your dark, aggressive ways and just simply wipe the aggressor out. That way of thinking would only grow if allowed.

You turned to Ajax, whispering, "Should we let them do this? What if it gets out of hand--such power clashing won't end with no damage."

He hummed, "That's true, it isn't smart. But if we join in, it will only get worse, plus we have children here--family--the risk of harm befalling them is unthinkable."

"They can still be harmed by that unhinged power." Your words came out in a slight hiss, which wasn't intentional, but it was frustrating not knowing what to do immediately. It was also ironic you thought of this fight as unhinged, considering how you have acted in the past.

Scaramouche was gearing up to use some sort of Anemo power, which in this enclosed area would be a big mistake--everything would be at the Wind's mercy. So, keeping your actions restrained, you held a hand out by your hip, pointing towards the floor with your palm. You unleashed a swell of cryo that begin to slide and trail towards Scaramouch. You bit your lip, realising you needed some hydro application, you went to whisper to Ajax to help, but before you could speak, a glass shattered by the Harbinger.

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