Child Bard | 1

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A/N - this is my first Genshin Impact fanfiction so I apologise if I'm not 100% in portraying all game characters used! I do hope you enjoy it.

(Updates weekly to begin with.)

~ Also, this is a Fem!Reader fanfic.


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"Y/N...Y/N," an impatient voice floated into your ears, causing your eyes to flutter open to the view in front of you.

"Y/N, finally!" Your tired e/c eyes drifted to the floating being, familiarity filling your eyes. The girl placed her hands on her hips, "Paimon was beginning to think you weren't going to wake up, hmph!"

You let a cold breath flow from your mouth before adjusting your resting position into a more comfortable cross-legged one. You reached your arms high above your head and stretched. You let your eyes adjust more to the morning light, looking towards the fairy-like creature and then resting them on the blonde-haired boy you had come to know as Aether.

"Paimon, Aether," you nodded towards both, and a small smile touched your lips. "It's been quite a while, whyever do I deserve the pleasure of you visiting me once again?"

You glanced at Paimon as she looked towards Aether expectantly, a little excitement lighting her galaxy eyes as she waited.

You stood.

"Well--" Aether began but was quickly interrupted by his excitable companion.

"We wanted to invite you to the Freedom Festival that will be celebrated in and around Mondstadt! It's a new festival that was organised to help bring up the morale of Mondstadters!" Paimon did a little dance in the air, overtaken by her happiness. "Truth be told, it was Aether's idea to invite you!"

You stood elegantly from the grassy ground, adjusting your knee-length deep blue dress, that sported speckles of snowflakes around the hem. Lighter blue embroidery covered the top half of the dress, mixed with swirls of navy. A cape-like piece of fabric clung to the behind of your dress, covered in chilly turquoise and white snowflakes.

"I'm truly blessed by Barbatos for you to think of inviting me, how kind of you Aether," your small smile turned into a larger sweet one, your cheeks gently holding a blush. It was uncommon for you to be invited to outings so you were incredibly happy that Aether considered you close enough to do so out of his own will.

"Hey, don't worry about it," he grinned. "we've been meaning to catch up with you and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. Plus, I heard some of our other friends will be there which I want to introduce you to."

"That sounds wonderful, Aether. I definitely shouldn't be sitting here in the grass admiring the view all the time, I'd love to come with you two and meet your friends."

It was true what you said. Your spare time consisted of being sat on the peak of Starsnatch Cliff, nestled in the grass with your arms behind your head. Your eyes would be rested as you let your senses take over, listening to the soft winds fly by you, followed by stronger more powerful gusts almost attempting to pull you up from your rest. You would let the suttle smell of grass and Cecilia flowers mix and leave you feeling relaxed and you often wondered if Barbatos guided these happy smells towards you.

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