Sixth | 14

89 4 5

"Ah, Childe, did I expect to see you today? Not at all, what a coincidence." A smug smile was set on the lips of this man, a grin that didn't reach his eyes. No, they were cold and deceiving.

Childe stood by the simmering waves of the ocean, on the near beach of Liyue Harbour. His face was serious, eyes settled on the water as it flowed in and ebbed out. Childe all but knew the voice of the once Harbinger who spoke and could tell from his tone how his face was rested, forever the conniving evil.

"Scaramouche, an interesting encounter," Childe spoke without turning to face the smaller man. What need had he? He didn't want to look into the eyes of Scaramouch, it would bring him no joy.

"Haha, interesting indeed," the previously Sixth Harbinger laughed with a façade attached.

"Why are you here?" Childe chose that moment to turn to the man, finding what he expected--a smirking evil. He jumped right to the point with his question, he knew otherwise Scaramouche would dance around the topic, playing hard to get.

"Oh my, what a rush you're in, no time for formalities, eh?"

"No," Childe huffed.

"Well, a little birdie told me, someone, who should be dead," he paused, his smile widening, "isn't."

"Who is this birdie and who should be dead?" Childe acted stupid. Someone must have deceived him as Zhongli stated they would--Childe was certain Scaramouche was speaking of Y/N.

Typical, Zhongli's words were leading to truth.

"Don't play daft," the blue-haired man cooed, looking sharply from beneath his large hat. "I've already fact-checked my source and they are indeed speaking the truth. I wonder how the Tsaritsa would react if I came back with both the Gnosis and the head of a should-of-been Harbinger--who should be dead? Oh, and of course, I can add your head to the list too, happily, might I add."

"Perhaps you should actually do the first," Childe scowled, thinking whether to take the Gnosis from the man. He decided not to risk it, for he didn't know if Scaramouche even had it on his person.

"Ah, no, I don't think so. I'd enjoy solving the issue of a living dead person though, I'm quite handy at that."


"No?" Scaramouche tapped his chin, "hm, how unlike you, discouraging killing."

"Why don't you leave with the Gnosis you haven't brought back yet and maybe I'll spare your life." Childe suggested with an added threat. It was dangerous for Scaramouche to be here, in Liyue. Y/N wasn't far and that made Childe itch inside, he refused to prove Zhongli right in a failure to protect Y/N.

"You? Spare my life?" A burst of laughter escaped him, "you make me laugh. Don't kid yourself, Childe, you are merely an ant to me." Scaramouche turned to look at the buildings within Liyue Harbour's village, "which one is she holed up in? Make it a little easier for me."

"I will tell you nothing," Childe growled, his fingers burning to grab his weapon and strike down Scaramouche.

"Oh, so there is something to tell," he threw back his usual grin filled with even more mischief. "If only you had done the deed yourself, you wouldn't be dealing with me."

Childe materialised his weapon as a threat display, "she didn't need to die."

"But the Tsaritsa--"

"But nothing. I took her Delusion and memories. That is enough."

"Nope." Scaramouche crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Even I know you shouldn't deceive Her--even if you think I have with the Gnosis, I have bigger plans with that--but look at you, suffering the early consequences." He eyed Childe's weapon, "don't bother, you won't even strike me once."

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