Poisoned | 24

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The poison that flowed through your veins made you sick with anger. You could only see red and hear nothing but dull calls bouncing against your ears. A ringing began to fill your head instead, slowly becoming louder and painful, ringing and ringing, relentless. You threw your palms over them and screamed and your emotions were overwhelmed by your senses.

You felt your hands being tugged at, rocking you back and forth in your fragile state and shouts still seemed blocked from your hearing. The high pit he'd sound was too prominent.

You felt your core well up with an icy feeling, your skin prickling with an overstimulated cold. Your energy was winding up, building into an oversized ball of danger.

The pain of your sister's murder--an important memory forgotten--had hit you like a bag of bricks. It came in waves, shock, terror, anger and the need for revenge took over. It was as if your body was thinking on its own. You couldn't put any thoughts together, so the build-up of trapped emotions didn't stop, reaching its limit quickly.

The room this was happening in had now been filled with many armed fatui members, with the Cryo Archon back in her seat, although her guards had tripled. All the Tsaritsa did was look down upon the event as though she did not cause this.

Each Fatuus stood on edge, awaiting an order to attack, retreat or defend.

Childe's eyes were flooded with tears. This was the second time you had to face such a painful event, he could not imagine the pain you had inside you, but he needed to help you control it--if he didn't...

Your powers are too unpredictable to know what will happen.

"I know it hurts," he tried, his hands holding onto your scrunched-up cheeks now, "but I need you to look at me. I need you to share your pain with me. I am here to help you, hold you, and feel the pain with you. I am not your enemy."

Suddenly a burst of energy thrummed through the room and your eyes lit up. You heard every word this time and your eyes met his. You spoke with venom tinging your words, "you are my enemy. You murdered my sister. You are the cause of all my pain."

Your built-up energy exploded. Your ice-cold bomb fired out from your body, shoving Childe away from you, and sending him flying into the furthest wall. The waves your energy created rammed into each of the Fatui guards also, causing them to tumble and knock over. Grunts and groans from each were loud and pained.

You began to stand, legs shaky at first. You used your energy to flood your body, ridding you of your shivers and trembles.

This was not the time to mourn, not when your revenge was ever so close.

You locked down on Childe, reaching onto your back to pull the staff from the attachment on your back. You positioned yourself and raised your weapon in the air slightly behind you, letting your cryo energy flow into it.

"I will not allow you to live any longer," no emotion filled your words now, only a guarantee that you would abide by your words.

You noticed Childe try to crouch from his fallen position and decided not to allow him to make any moves and shot towards him, blade end positioned to stab deep. As you ran, getting closer and closer, Childe managed to slide his hand onto his dagger's shaft, pulling up just in time as your polearm slammed down against him.

A clang and a scratch sounded as the two blades met. Childe managed to meet the tip of the polearms blade with the flat side of his dagger, sliding your weapon away from him. He used a foot to kick into your stomach, sending you back. He jumped onto his feet and stood, blade back down by his side. Be raised his free hand, his face trying to remain soft and none threatening.

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