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The impossible is possible

"You know that you are my father, it's going to take some while to getting used to, I can't believe my mother hid this from me, even from you." Wildfire said as she and Maverick were walking to the jets.

"I know but I do know one thing that needs to happen, Bradley and I needs to work out our issues, especially for my daughter's sake." Maverick said which made Wildfire smile softly. She walked to her plane, she looked back at her father. 

"Let's do this." Wildfire told him with a smile.


"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor and as of today there are new mission parameters. Time to target is now Four minutes. You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed, not to exceed 420 knots." Cyclone said to everyone. Everyone looked at each other, Rue looked over at the empty seat. "Ace, is off of the mission." Cyclone added which alerted the people who didn't know the news.

"Sir, won't we be giving their planes time to intercept." Bob asked. "Well lieutenant you have a fighting chance against enemy aircraft. What are the odds of surviving a head on collusion with a mountain. You'll be attacking the target from a higher altitude level with a north wall. It's gonna be little harder to keep your laser on target but you will avoid the high g climb out." Cyclone said. "Out here sitting ducks for the enemy's missiles." Fanboy said,

"Wait, why isn't Ace going on the mission?" Bob asked. Rue sighed. "She almost died the other night." Rue said. Everyone looked at her in shock. "What... how?" Fanboy asked, concerned. "Attempt Overdose, someone convinced her after bringing up old wounds, Wildfire and I found her unconscious, if the both of us was an hour later.... she would be gone. She currently in a coma." Rue said as Phoenix covered her face, while Coyote and Fanboy sighed.

"Where's Wildfire, Rue?" Warlock asked. "I don't know, in between this, Iceman and finding out a secret that her mother kept from her along with the mission, she has a lot on her plate, but I saw her this morning, I don't know... she said she was talking to someone before heading here." Rue explained. 

Before Cyclone could question, two F-18s appeared on the screen which caught everyone's attention. "What the...." Rue muttered as her eyes glued on the screen. "Who the hell is that?" Cyclone questioned.

"Maverick and Wildfire to range control, entering point alpha, confirm green range." Maverick said. "No way..." Rue said as a smile appeared on her face.

"Uh Maverick and Wildfire, range control, uh green range is confirmed... I don't see an event scheduled for the both of you." Wildfire smiled a bit. "Well, we are going anyways." Wildfire said. "Nice." Phoenix muttered.

"Setting time to target, Two minutes and fifteen seconds." Maverick called out. "2:15 that's impossible." Payback said. "Wildfire is Wildfire, she'll make anything possible, even Ace would tell everyone that, plus this is Maverick we are talking about here." Rue said.

"File attack point, Maverick and Storm Inbound." Maverick said. "You okay there Wildfire?" Maverick asked her. "Thinking about Ace..." Wildfire replied. "She'll be proud at her best friend." Maverick said. "You really think so Old man?" Wildfire questioned. "What did I tell you?" Maverick questioned her sternly which caused the woman to chuckle. "Let's do this." Wildfire said as she pulled her plane down while Maverick followed.

The time started and Rue sighed nervously. "You got this Wildfire." Rooster mumbled.

"You know what, I'm glad I skipped breakfast." Wildfire said. "Because my stomach is twisting and turning on this course, I know you got to have your nutrition, I hear it every damn day from Rue." Wildfire rambled. Rue chuckled as she heard her friend Rambled. "Do you always ramble?" Maverick said. "What's wrong with that?" Wildfire questioned. "I promise it won't happen on the mission." Wildfire added.

They all watched them go through the course. "Alright up there?" Maverick asked the woman once more. "Ask me once more, I'm fine, I'm fine." Wildfire replied, sternly. Maverick shook his head as they came up to Minute and thirty seconds on the timer.

"Yeah, I'm glad I didn't eat, sorry Rue." Wildfire said as she was doing the course. Maverick's mind wander, was he doing this stunt with his daughter, he had a child all these years, something he thought he couldn't have but he does, now he's building a bond with her.

Then it hit thirty seconds on the time, everyone was tensed at this time. "Popping, in three, two one!" Wildfire called out as she did then Maverick had followed. She gasped as they made the dive, then she focused on getting an aim on the target.

Rue stared at the screen. "You got this Wildfire." Rue muttered.

Wildfire eyes widen as she got insight, she made lock on the target. "Bombs away!" She called out then her and Maverick pulled up.

She groaned as she felt the force hitting her, she kept an eye on the target, then she got a direct hit, with sixteen seconds to spare. "Bullseye, holy shit!" Fanboy exclaimed as he jumped out of his seat. "Damn, way go Wildfire." Coyote said. "Fuck yeah!" Rue exclaimed. "Damn." Hangman all could say. "Cat got your tongue Bagman or are you impressed by Wildfire?" Rue asked. "Both..." Hangman answered.

Maverick and Wildfire took off their masks. "You good back there, Maverick?" Wildfire asked. "Yeah... you did good kid." Maverick said. "I think I had fun." Wildfire said with a grin which made Maverick chuckled.


They landed their planes, Cyclone was there. "Ooo you pissed off another admiral, your good at that, anyways... have fun." Wildfire said as she walked to the room. Maverick shook his head at his daughter.

"Alright... I know what you all are thinking and I can explain." Wildfire said. Everyone looked back, "Wildfire!" Rue exclaimed as she pulled her best friend into a hug. "I know, I did a pretty dumb thing." Wildfire said as she pulled away. "Dumb thing? you did the impossible Wildfire." Bob said. "So impressive that it shock Bagman over here." Phoenix said. "Bagman? Shock, well I'm surprised." Wildfire said. "Well you proved the impossible Wildfire, of course it's impressive." Hangman said to her.

She looked at Rooster, she smiled at him. He pulled her into a hug. "What am I going to do with you?" Rooster questioned. "Oh you love me and you know it." Wildfire said which made him chuckled. "Come by my place later." Rooster whispered. She looked at him, "That I can do." She whispered back with a smile.

Wildfire | B. BradshawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora