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I am not the first person you ever loved.

And you are not the first person I ever looked at

with a mouthful of forever.

We both know loss like the sharp edges

of a knife. We have both lived with lips with

more scar tissue than skin. Our love came

unannounced right in the middle of the night.

Our love came right when we had completely given up

on asking love to come to us again and I think

that has to be part

of its beautiful miracle.

This is how we heal.

I will kiss you like forgiveness. You

will hold me like I hope. And our arms

will bandage and we will press promises

between us like flowers in a book.

I will write all the sonnets.

 I will write novels to the scar

of your nose. I will write an entire dictionary

of all the words I have used

Trying to describe the way it feels to have finally found you.

And I won't be afraid

of your scars.

I know sometimes

it's still hard to let me see you

in all your cracked perfection,

but please know:

whether it's the days you burn

more brilliant than the sun

or the nights you collapse into my lap

your body is broken into a thousand pieces and questions,

you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I will love you when you are still day. I will love you when you are a hurricane

If there's one thing that I may tell you

Let it be: You are your home.

Your body is the only house

That you will ever truly own,

Maybe it's got some broken beat up windows

And there are tear-stains on the tile floors,

Maybe you lock the things you wish you weren't

Behind its many doors.

But there I know there is wisdom on its bookshelves

And a laugh to light the rooms.

There is a beautiful vase upon the table

Where the love you've grown all blooms.

Dreams sit on the fireplace mantelpiece

Next to kindness and your trust.

Where you use them all so often

They have no time to even collect dust.

So please don't look at those mansions

With that envy in your eyes,

There's more than

That its appearance or its size,

Your body is your shelter

So you deserve to love all of it.

Don't let the world stand around outside

And tell you how you should paint your walls,

How lucky that you have somewhere

To protect you from the night,

And if there's cracks left from the past?

Well then they just let in more light

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 6Where stories live. Discover now