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I am the most happy when I eat fresh fruit,  and when I burst out laughing, when I discover a new song, and when I finish a good book, when I wake up and feel relaxed. I'm so so glad to have friends, and a family, a home, food when I'm hungry, and hot water when I shower. I love being able to live and see the seasons change, to have gifts at Christmas and at my birthday, to travel sometimes, and to have a good education and a great access to culture. I'm always flattered when people compliment me, when people smile at me, and when people are the most polite to me. There are so many things that make life so simple yet so easy and I will always think about them more than all the bad things that will happen to me. I do not have time to be sad everyday and ungrateful; I have every reason in the world to be happy

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 6Where stories live. Discover now