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It just happened to be one of those nights, when you're not really sure what truly happened. There are no photographs, no scribbled journal entries.

Just the memory of it sitting there in my mind playing back like a record player. 

Like a half blown dandelion, waiting for its time, waiting for it's turn to turn into nothing.

When I close my eyes all I see are these pictures playing back like a blurry montage, you see I can drive for hours until I see the street signs grow a little less familiar, until the flickering of the lamplights start to give way to the stars above. 

And as I sit across from you in that little peaceful Italian restaurant you start to place your hands on the plates to push them aside to reach for mine.

The small conversation we had about everything and nothing. And kissing you oh how I remember that.

It seemed to be one of those nights that my mind still wasn't quite familiar with. It wonders if I was even there at all, yet in my heart it feels as though I never actually left

All The Things I've Never Said Before - Part 6Where stories live. Discover now