Chapter XIV: If This Goes South, I'm Blaming You

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"So, are you going to tell me about him or not?" Nylah asked.

"He's just someone-" Nylah interrupted him.

"Someone you used to run around with in your youth. I get that. But I'm pretty sure it's been a while since you were young-"

Mando turned to her and her mouth snapped shut but a small grin stayed. "I'm just teasing. What are you, 35? Older? Are you 45?"

"Shut up."

"Then tell me about your friend! At least tell me about the job!"

He turned to her again but this time something was different. Something in his unchanging helmet's face told her he was keeping something from her.

A smirk spread on her lips, "You don't know what the job is, do you, Mandy?"


"You know you seem like someone who would ask what a job was before agreeing to do it," Nylah teased, crossing her legs with an amused grin.

"I haven't agreed to anything."

A sound beeped through the cockpit, signaling their arrival. Nylah looked out the front window to see a large silver building, floating in the middle of nowhere. The structure had many doors and many antennas. A floating fortress. Nylah raised her brow.

Mando turned in his seat and began the landing process. Nylah stood next to him, leaning over the dashboard to get a better look. No more smiling. Time for business.

"Don't talk to anybody. Don't look at anybody. Just stay behind me," Mando instructed as he successfully planted them inside the fortress.

Nylah looked down to her side where Mando sat, "Why?"

"Because I want his attention on me more than on you," He admitted.

"Mando, who is this guy?" Nylah pleaded. "I don't like this whole ambiguous effect he's having on you."

"Let's just go," He turned the chair and stood. He scooped the kid up with one hand and carefully carried him down the ladder. Nylah followed shortly behind. Together they locked the kid up. Every time it made Nylah uneasy. She secured her blaster on her hip and tightened the strap on her armband. Mando pressed the button that released the ramp.

Nylah followed Mando down the ramp, staying behind him like he asked. Her eyes scanned the area. She didn't see anyone she knew. They passed a few people who gave them dirty looks.

"Mando!" A man called out to them. Nylah turned toward the sound to see a shorter man with a mane of white hair and a long white beard.

"Is that you under that bucket?" A sleazy smile spread across his cheeks.

Mando held out a hand, "Ran."

"I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. It's nice to see you." The man looked past Mando and at Nylah.

"Well, Mando. You didn't tell me you got yourself a girlfriend." He smiled as he moved past Mando and closer to Nylah.

"I'm Ranzar Malk, but my friends call me Ran." He held out his hand, waiting for her to shake it. He smelled of stale alcohol and body odor. Nylah almost gagged.

Her hand grabbed his in a short shake before dropping it, "Okay, Ranzar Malk."

Ranzar laughed loudly. "Funny. She's funny," He said, turning to Mando.

He turned back to Nylah and his eyes were glossed in attraction, "You're also very beautiful."

She raised a brow at Mando and he shrugged.

•Broken and Beskar• The MandalorianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon