Chapter VIII: Why Do You Cower Away From The Mandalorian?

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Would That I - Hozier

The next two days after the defeat of the bandits were quiet. The krill farmers healed their wounded and cleaned up their destroyed properties. Mando helped them tear down their barrier and add the logs to their firewood supply.

Nylah was in the barn, repairing her armband from the recent water damage, when Omera knocked on the doorframe. Nylah turned toward the young widow who was holding a pile of clothes in her hands.

"Hi, we noticed you didn't have any other clothing besides what you fought in."

"Is that code for I smell? Because I've been bathing regularly."

Omera laughed, "No, no. We figured we didn't know how long you would be staying. You should have more than three outfits." She set the pile down next to her on a nearby chair.

"I can't help but notice you didn't give any other clothing to Mando."

"Does he wear anything other than that suit?"

Nylah's eyes squinted in thought then grinned, "That's fair." The two women laughed.

Nylah picked up the top piece of clothing. She held it up, letting the fabric fall and unfold itself. It was a long, blue dress. The same blue she had noticed many of the villagers wear. This must have been an underdress the villager women wore. They would include many layers on top, Nylah had noticed. She couldn't think of the last time she wore a dress, or if she had ever worn a dress.

"These are a few of my own dresses. I can make you more clothes if you'd like."

Nylah looked from the dress to Omera with a small grin on her face, "That would be very kind. Thank you."

"Do you have any preferences?"

"I don't believe so. I'm used to tighter fitting clothing with many pockets and, well, pants. Well, that was for work but seeing as we will probably be staying here for some time, I should start wearing climate appropriate clothing."

Omera gave her another warm smile, "So you and the Mandalorian plan to stay for a while?"

Nylah took a moment to find the right response, "We haven't exactly talked about it but that's why we originally came to this planet. To...hide, I guess."

Omera's head turned to the side, confused, "What are you hiding from?"

Nylah paused. Should she tell her, she thought. Could she tell her but leave some details out? Definitely!

"The child we are traveling with is being hunted by the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Mando and I saved him and are trying to lay low to keep him safe."

Omera placed a hand over her heart, "That poor thing."

"Yeah, so we found Sorgan and with the lack of population density and the distance away from Nevarro, we thought we'd give it a shot. Anyway..." Nylah said, hoping to change the subject. "Thank you again for the clothes. Like I said, I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem at all. I hope you and the Mandalorian will be joining us for supper tonight."

Nylah smiled, "We will be there."

Omera returned her smile before exiting the barn, soon being replaced with the Mandalorian. His heavy steps alerted Nylah, who was once again sitting and fiddling with her armband. When he spotted the clothing on the chair, he reached down and felt the soft fabric between his gloved fingers.

"What's this?" He asked her.

Nylah looked up from her project, "Omera gave me some clothing after noticing my other clothes were pretty dirty. I figured you had another suit you can change into since your flight suit was dirty yesterday and it isn't anymore."

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