Chapter IX: Sweet Moments on Sorgan

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Authors Note: These are just sweet, little moments on Sorgan that I wrote and liked but couldn't fit them into last chapter/next chapter so enjoy :)


Two weeks had passed since the take down of the bandits but to Nylah it felt like months. The longer she stayed on the planet the more she grew to love it and she couldn't help but think the villagers were starting to like her too. She worked mostly maintenance on the droids during the day. It had been ages since they upgraded but because of how old they were, there was always something that needed fixed or improved.

Nylah stepped out from behind the folding divider in her newest blue dress. The oldest woman of the village, Sella, made it for her. The blue matched the other villagers outfits, along with the long sleeves and fitted forearms. This one did not button in the back but slipped over her head and had a fabric belt she tied around her waist. Nylah was also given a pair of tight, yet stretchy material to wear under the dress like pants.

"Nylah, you almost forgot your armband," Mando called out, holding out to her. Nylah turned from the doorway with the Child in her arms. She looked at the armband for a moment then spoke.

"I think I'm going to leave it for today. I mean, we've had no threats for the past two weeks. I don't really need it."

Mando nodded and set the armband on the chair where he had left it. Together, the trio headed out into the village.

"Nylah!" They heard someone call. Nylah turned around to see Omera walking toward them. Omera greeted the Mandalorian and patted the child on the head before turning back to Nylah.

"The other mothers of the council have all agreed that you should be invited to tonight's meeting."

"Meeting? Council?" Nylah's eyebrow rose. She turned to Mando, who shrugged.

"Just something that we do every night after the children go to sleep."

"But I'm not a mother."

"You're as good as. That child calls out to you as if he was your own." Omera gestures to the child in Nylah's arms. Nylah looked down at him and he looked back up at her with his enormous brown eyes. He giggled and hid in her chest. It made Nylah smile.

"Join us for the meeting tonight. You might be surprised."


"You should go," Mando said, cleaning his chestplate. He and Cara were entertaining the children and having a wrestling tournament but because both were so competitive, they took it a bit too far.


"Why don't you?"

"They all seem so motherly and responsible and wise and...feminine."

"Says the one with flowers in her hair and wearing a dress." Nylah grabbed her hair and twisted it with her fingers.

"I'm not normally like this. I'm laid back. I'm casual. I have blasters on my hips and kills under my belt. I'm a monster compared to these people. If they ever found out what I've done then they wouldn't let me anywhere near their happy little village."


When it was time for the afternoon fire, Nylah headed that direction. She found an empty spot on a log and started to sit.

"No!" a few children roared. Nylah immediately stood and held her hands in the air in surrender.

"I'm sorry. Am I sitting in someone's spot?"

"No, we saved you a seat!"

Nylah's eyebrows furrowed, "You did? Thank you."

Two of the girls pulled her to a log that Mando just so happened to be sitting on. Nylah almost laughed out loud.

"Here's your seat."

"Yeah, next to Mando!"

One girl elbows the other, receiving an 'ow' in return.

Nylah grinned and sat.

"Hi Mando."

"Hello Nylah."

For a second, the girls stood and stared at them with smiles.

"Girls, you two can go sit down now."

They blushed with embarrassment and giggled their way to their seats.

"I wonder what that was about," Mando said. Nylah wasn't sure she was meant to hear his remark, but she did.


Nylah started up the stairs to Omera's hut when she heard two voices inside.

"Winta, you should not be meddling in other people's love lives," Nylah heard Omera say.

"Momma, everyone can see it!"

"Winta, no more."

Nylah knocked on the door frame and the two turned toward her.

"I hope I'm not interrupting."

"No, Winta was just leaving," Her mother said, giving her daughter a pointed look.

Winta started for the door. "How's Mando doing?" She asked Nylah.

Nylah grinned, "I'm sure the Mandalorian is doing well. He's with the child. Why don't you go play?" And with that, Winta was gone.

"I hope this whole thing isn't making you too uncomfortable. Or the Mandalorian."

"No, I'm sure he loves the attention. I actually have something I'd like to discuss with you."

"Okay? I hope everything is alright." Omera said, gesturing for Nylah to sit at the nearby table and chairs.

"Actually, yes. Everything is amazing." Nylah sat in one of the wicker chairs. "I was actually hoping you and I could talk about us, Mando, the child, and myself, staying here....permanently. We obviously would contribute to the village as best we can. I know I've kinda taken over the whole mechanic job and Mando hunts of course-"

"We would love to have you," Omera smiled.

Nylah let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you. I-I love it here. It makes me think about what my home planet could have been."


"Hey, Mando?" Nylah said, gaining his attention. Mando turned around to face her. He raised a brow at how she held her hands behind her back.


"Can you do something for me?" She asked. Why was she all of a sudden...shy? He thought.

"What, Nylah?"

"Okay, before you just outright say no I would like you to consider it would make the kids, and well me, happy and it might actually look good-"


"Sorry, um," She brought her hands out from behind her back and in her hands was a wreath made of the wildflowers that Mando had seen around the village. The same wildflowers the children of the village insisted Nylah wear in her braid.

He stared at the wreath. It was too big to fit a normal head, he realized. It was for him.


Nylah and Mando sat next to each other on the porch of the barn. The child was asleep in his crib.

"Can I ask you something?" Nylah said, breaking the silence between them.


"Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if your parents hadn't died in the Clone Wars? Would you still be a Mandalorian?"

There was a beat and Nylah immediately cursed herself.

"I don't dwell on what could have been." Heat rose to Nylah's cheeks from embarrassment.

"Forgive me. My curiosity got the better of me."

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