Chapter XIII: I Think I Hear Something

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There had been many discussions of what to do next. Bounty hunters were still after them. The kid still had a bounty on his head. So did Nylah, but it was easier to forget about that than the kids. He couldn't defend himself but she could, even if she wasn't good at it.

"I could contact some...people from my past, see if they have any work. Do you have any friends you could contact?"

Nylah almost laughed, "Bold of you to assume you're not my only friend." Mando hummed in reply.

"Besides, even if I did, they would most likely turn me in for the bounty on my head."

Mando sighed and pushed to his feet, "I'm gonna go freshen up. Hold down the fort?"

"You know it," Nylah grinned up at him. Mando walked past her and out of the cockpit, his heavy boots stomping down the ladder to the first floor.

Nylah stood from her passenger seat and switched to the pilot's chair. She quickly lifted her knees to her chest and spun the chair around. She giggled to herself before stopping directly in front of the dashboard.

She tapped the dashboard with her fingers, tapping a rhythm. The ship was cruising on autopilot so there wasn't much for her to do. Just make sure we don't get attacked.

Nylah cursed herself. She forgot her armband on the first level when she took her shower. She couldn't play any games or listen to her music. She leaned her head back and groaned.

Suddenly the refresher started. Nylah's head perked at the sound. If Mando was in the refresher, locked away so she couldn't see his face, maybe, just maybe, she could be quick and grab her armband.

Nylah turned in the chair and stood. She looked down at the child, who was sleeping in the other passenger chair. His large eyes stayed closed as she tiptoed to the ladder.

With one boot at a time, Nylah climbed down the ladder and turned to the sleeping chamber only to see Mando's helmet sitting on the cot.

She froze, eyes widening in shock. She had never seen the man without the helmet, let alone the helmet without the man. She cursed herself. Of course he wasn't wearing his helmet. It was hard to think about him without the armor. Did she really think he showered with the armor on? Her mind could help but wonder at the idea of him without armor on. There was no doubt he was strong. Probably had a nice amount of muscle on her body. His thighs were thick enough to prove his leg strength. She had no idea what he looked like under that armor, or the flight suit, or the boots....or the gloves. Water drinking down his body, wetting his hair....

She cursed herself. Half of her wanted to try and sneak a look at his face but the other half, the more responsible half, told her that that was wrong. With one more glance toward the refresher, she hurried back up the ladder.

Nylah collapsed back into the pilot's chair. She wished she grabbed her armband while she was on the first level but she couldn't risk it. She had nothing better to do than to stare out at space.

She saw a figure walk into the cockpit only to realize it was Mando, with his helmet on, of course. He looked different, she thought. No, he didn't look different. She just felt different.

"Mando, hey." She turned the chair to face him.

"You okay?" He asked, in his usual robotic monotone voice.

"Yeah, just the headache." His hand reached over and gently placed his hand under her chin. He tilted her head to better look at the forehead wound. She felt a weird chill go down her neck but she ignored it.

"How's the blaster hit?" He nodded his shiny helmet down to her wrapped thigh.

"Could be better but it is better than yesterday, and better than the day before that..." She heard him slightly chuckle. It was a nice sound for someone who is always so serious.

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