After the rest of the new students arrived, the welcoming ceremony officially began.

F University's journalism department accepted 300+ students this year, and with the grad students as well, the entire hall was packed full.

First, the department head, famous professors, coaches, etc. went to the podium to give a speech welcoming the freshmen, and slated for last was the new student representative.

"Next, we'll invite the Class of 201X, journalism department's undergraduate freshman Jimin, as the new student representative, to come on stage!" When the presenter finished saying this, Jimin felt as if everyone's gaze riveted towards him.

Under thunderous applause, Jimin stood up. It's been years since he's last done something like this, and nervous sweat covered his body.

But luckily, he had the amazing skill of "appearing very composed no matter what he actually felt inside".

Right after he stood up, he hesitated a beat, then took off his glasses and placed them on his chair.

After he walked away, Taehyung excitedly picked up the glasses to get a closer look, then loosely held it in his hand as he gazed towards Jimin.

On stage, Jimin first gave a slight bow towards the directors and professors, then turned towards the audience, and with his back straight, began his speech: "Honored guests and fellow students, good morning. I am the journalism department's Jimin, and I am very honored to have the privilege to stand here before you......"

Taehyung stared at Jimin with burning eyes, as if finally obtaining the chance to look his fill, greedily ogling and lingering over every inch of the other's figure.

No one looked away during Jimin's speech, and although the speech itself was very serious and succinct, just as the person himself appeared to be, the audience was enraptured.

The reason? Jimin was very handsome and had a clear, crisp voice. His enunciation was distinct, and after listening to all those tedious and verbose droning, Jimin's was like a breath of fresh air, making everyone's hearts comfortable and happy.

His wording was very refined, getting straight to the point without going off on tangents, and before anyone had heard their fill, he was done.

The applause was filled with a desire for more, and much louder than the previous ones given to those directors/professors.

After Jimin came down, nervousness still lingered in his body and he remained in a sluggish daze.

And then, his vision blurred, and Taehyung was right there, personally putting his glasses on for him, and he suddenly snapped back to attention.

Smiling at him, Taehyung lowered his voice and asked, "Why did you take off your glasses earlier?"

That speech had used up most of his strength, and without the energy to pretend, Jimin honestly replied, "I...was nervous."

Taehyung: "And taking off your glasses will make you not nervous?"

Jimin: "Taking off my glasses means people will look a bit blurry, and I can pretend I can't see them."

Taehyung couldn't hold back a laugh, glanced around them, then lowered his voice even more: "I thought you looked extremely calm standing up there."

Jimin: "......I really was quite nervous."

Taehyung: "Other than your lack of glasses, how could anyone else tell?"

Jimin: "I went and memorized the script."

Taehyung implicitly understood; if Jimin wasn't nervous, he probably wouldn't have recited his speech word for word.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Jimin possessed unfathomable depths— Just how strong must your mental strength be to allow one to mask their inner turmoil so well?

My fake boyfriend | VMINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora