{ Ball invitation }

379 26 12

{ Ehann: }
Chapter 26

It's been a year now.
To be precise, a year that the prince and Aelius started secretly dating.
A year since aelius confessed two times and finally succeeding the second time.

Now of course it hasn't been the best of circumstances, but it's somehow working well for them.

With one or the other sneaking off into eatchothers house/palace and staying the night then leaving very early in the morning.

And out of all this they've only had one argument, and for something so confusing too.

Aelius claimed that the princess had gotten awfully touchy with Ehann, and sure - there's some things that were questionable to say the least.

The princess's family has been at a constant in and out of their kingdom, oftenly visiting and sometimes leaving the king behind.

Ehann and her have gotten immensely closer, just nothing close close the prince has his limits.

But even if something was forming.
The prince only saw her as a little sister, regardless of they're different inheritances and same age.

Aelius ended up believing the prince about the situation after a day, all the other arguments were about little things. Nothing of much care.

The prince climbed up towards Aelius's window and landed on his bed, a light 'thud' was heard from the bed.

"Look at you becoming quite the expert." Aelius smirked at the prince.

"I might just be loosing weight from all this exercise, my doctors will be glad to hear the news." Ehann sat up and took off his shoes.

"Regardless you seem to be more breath taking with each passing day."

"Mmn you really think so?"
"I know so." Aelius warmly smiled.

The prince looked around the room, it was a very cozy environment, a king size bed placed in the middle and the closet on the side.

Pictures of his family were placed on every wall, and a frame with red drawn heart on a piece of paper on Aelius's stand that held both thier initials in the middle of it. No matter how silly it is, and no matter how many times the prince will deny it, he loves that drawing more that anything.

"No matter how many times i enter your room i never get tired of it. Hahah" The prince laughed a little.

"Maybe it's because of my presence that you never get tired of it?" Aelius teased the prince, inching closer to him.

"Fat chance."

"You're hurting my feelings prince." Aelius jokingly hissed in pain.
"Are you sure it's not because of me?"

"I don't know.. maybe i need something special to jot an answer." The prince leaned towards Aelius.

"You got that something?" He asked.

"I might just have that something.."

Aelius leaned closer and closer to the prince, so close they could almost feel eatchothers breath.


"Mijo? Who are you talking to in there?" A knock was heard from outside his bedroom door.

"That's you're mom right?" The prince whispered, already walking to the edge of the bed.

"Yes, go hide."

"Hide?? Where??" The prince panicked.

"I don't know! Anywhere!"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒖𝒏 || {𝑩𝒙𝑩}Where stories live. Discover now