{ Agatha Lutherbale }

667 34 4

{ Ehann }
Chapter 9.

Both princes plopped on the couch filled with dried paint, tired to even speak at eatchother, and a fight with their eyelids to blink, sleep was taking over them, and they slowly drifted off in sleep.


"We need to find my brother!" Panicked the bunny.

"We will find him, don't stress yourself.." spoke the prince, him himself starting to stress aswell.

"Where did you last see him?"

"With a girl who's name was Noaine" said the panicked bunny.

"Noaine? That name seems so familiar for some reason.." he questioned.

"Does it matter?? We need to find my brother!! Brother!!" The bunny screamed.

"Alright i got it already stop it!!" The prince cried starting to feel the edge of his own breakdown.

"Do you hear that?" Questioned the prince.

"Oh no..." The bunny panicked even more now .

"What! What is it??" Panicked the prince.

Then, a tall man came out of the bushes, All. Dressed in red and black, with puffy hair and a large stick in his hand.

"HAHAHA. IT IS I THE TIM -OF -HEARTS!! FEAR ME EHANISIA" Screamed the red dressed man.

"You're creepy old man" whispered the prince.

"Anyway, we should get going bunny" continued the prince, walking pass the red dressed man.

"Don't ignore me!! Who do you think you are young man!!? Ahh.. i give up, Hey wait for me!!".


Then both princes woke up, startled by the dream they had.

And suddenly the doors to the art room swung open, slamming against the wall.

"Oh thank Marble's, i finally found you two!" Sighed the maid.

"Your father requested your presence's " then she calmly walked away.

"They must have arrived!" Spoke Timothy.


"Oh my days Ehann, the royal family that's visiting!" He sighs sarcastically, giving up on scolding his brother.

"We should get going."


As the two walk to the dining room the can hear faint talking and laughing inside, they more they walked the more they were curious. So they ran.

Both out of breath and tired open the doors of the dining room, seeing they're family and another one, sitting on the table, still chatting.

"Ah! My son's your finally here! Good sleep?" The king questioned.

"Yes, thank you for your concern" responded Timothy.

"Lutherbale family, meet my son's Ehann and Timothy, Son's, meet the Lutherbale family!" He cheered, clearly having his well share on booze.

"Come sit sit!" He continued.

Everyone sat down in the table and finished they're greetings and apologies, all enjoying they're food made by the chefs.

A girl then sat up from her chair, then sat next to the prince, adjusting her chair so that its facing Ehann's.

"Hi!" She cheerfully said.


"My name's Agatha, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She smiled

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well princess" he smiled back.


Once everyone was done with they're food, they all head off towards they're bedroom. Except the princess.

"Hey, wait!" Agatha shouted

The prince turned around, searching for the one who called, then he looked at the girl and pointed himself.


"Yes you!" She then, started walking towards the prince.

"I was wondering if you could accompany me to look at the town, I'd like to get to know you.. is that okay?" She asked, folding her arms behind her.

"Sure just wait i second, i have to notify my father, wait for me in the entrance of the castle" he smiled, then turned away from her.

As the prince was walking towards his parents room, he couldn't help but to feel happy that she wanted to go with him, he would use this as an advantage to buy more canvases for his artwork's.

When he got close, he could hear noises coming from inside, creaking wood maybe.

He knocked on his father's bedroom door

"May i come in?" He asked

You could hear them panicking inside the room. Soon after a silence followed.

"..you may come in" the king shouted.

"I was wondering if I could go to the town and look at the shops with Agatha Tonight"

The king was delighted, his eyes shimmered with joy as he nudged on his wife's arm, then she speaks.

"Of course my baby! Go ahead" she spoke.

"I'll be on my way then, goodnight father, mother." And then he left their room.


Agatha and Ehann walked through the crowd's of people, buying and tasting anything they saw, it was a fun night for them exploring the towns.

There was some people who could tell they're disguises and would stare at them scarily. Seeing how the moon prince was walking side by side with one of the largest's Ruling king's Daughter.

Both of their hands were full with bags, some mostly Agatha's and a few were his. Agatha bought jewels and dresses, while the prince bought cheesecakes and art supplies, she'd insist that he'd buy more clothes for his wardrobe but he always denied, claiming he had more than enough already.

On their way to the art shop he spotted someone familiar, a boy who had a feather earing and jumpers on, he was staring at him, and at her.

"What are you looking at?" She questioned, giggling at the dogs and cat's in the town.


"What are you looking at..?" She repeated.

"Nothing, don't worry about it" he smiled, Then continued walking towards the shop infront

The prince swore he knew that person, but he didn't remember at the moment, and he eventually forgot about the encounter. Continuing to speak with the princess next to him.

He looked back at the place he saw the male, and he was gone.

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