"For me, it's perfect wherever the setting is, as long as I'm with the man I love."

The mention of love made me want to ask if she's been in love. But on second thought, I would rather not. It would only bring us into a deeper level and that is undesirable given the situation we are in.

"What about you? What's your perfect date," she countered the question.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "what we have now is a kind of perfect for me. I had a great time with you at the shooting range and the gym. It's the first time I have that kind of date."

"Well, you can achieve that perfect date again with any woman."

I chuckled, hiding my disappointment that she did not get what I said. For a smart woman, she was kind of oblivious. I meant she made the date perfect. We have this kind of chemistry that really vibes.

I pressed my lips together, wondering if I was the only one feeling it.

Dammit. I enjoy her company too much today and this attraction I feel for her is getting stronger. This is so wrong. I shouldn't be feeling this. It would only defeat the purpose of our deal.

Our order arrived, and we started eating. Wagyu steak, Greek salad, tomato stuffed squid and Acai ice cream for me, while Sweet ordered, Calamari, Waldorf Chicken and walnuts salad, pasta and cream Brulé for dessert.

"What do you want to do on our second date?"

Her eyebrows rose, "hmm... I don't have any idea. I haven't thought of it."

I chuckled, "I know what you're feeling. You don't give a damn, because all you think about is to get over this dating deal so we can continue living with our lives, right?"

"Wow, you're a psychic," she laughed bitterly, "but let's be honest, you feel the same way."

"Mm... hmmm. We're already into this, so we have to create something beautiful out of this unpleasant situation," I took a sip of my wine, then said, "and may I remind you, you haven't written something nice about me yet."

"Well, maybe one or two after today's date," she chuckled, then continued eating her calamari with mayo.

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed," we laughed and talked about random stuff.

I like that we have plenty of things in common. We both like nachos, avocado and mango, Jenga blocks, crossword puzzles, car racing, crime and mystery movies - Knives Out series was our favorite.

At nine in the evening, I took her home to Dansville. We rode the chopper and landed in her front yard.

I was kind of sad that the day ran too fast and the night was ending. I never had this kind of date ever before. I enjoyed her company a lot, talking about random stuff, having meaningful conversations, laughing, and eating. I was surprised that we have many things in common.

"Thanks for the ride," she smiled brightly.

"You're welcome," I smiled back.

I saw her parents at their patio, waiting for her. I wondered if I should go down with her and introduced myself to them. I created a bad impression on them for pulling out their potato deal with the Andrews, I should face them and make amends.

But on second thought, I've never met any of my dates parents before. The thought itself was scary.

What if they'll grill me with lots of questions? What if they'll expect too much from me in this dating deal? I can't handle all that.

I heaved a sigh. I had this conflicting feeling, when in just a snap, I found the courage to see them.

"Maybe I should say good evening to your family," I suggested to Sweet.

"Do you want to be grilled alive?" she joked, and I knew what she meant.

"You're absolutely right," I nodded, "some other time then."



I was in the kitchen drinking water while surrounded by my family.

"Tell us what happened?" Mom's eyes grew enormous as she waited for me to start.

"You already know everything. We went to this futuristic restaurant, and they have this out of this world interior design like you're transported to 2050. The dishes are so aesthetic, but tasted the same. I ordered my favorite Calamari."

"How's the date, overall? Was it good?" Erin was curious, her eyes twinkled.

"Well... it was not really a date," I wanted to tell them it's not good, but GREAT. I had a wonderful time, and I did not expect that with Sebastian. I enjoyed every minute with him. I liked I learned a lot of things from him. Things that I haven't ever thought about.

"I pity you, Sweet. You have to bear being with that bastard," Dad said, "I'm sure you were bored to death. Don't worry, because tomorrow, we'll all go out and have dinner at your favorite restaurant, the Farmer's Delight Resto."

"Thanks, Dad," I hugged him.

"Yay!!" Erin jumped in delight, while Colton groaned, saying, not again.

"Avoid looking at your social media accounts tonight, Sweet. Just relax and sleep early. Okay?" Mom said, I nodded, and she nodded, "whatever you read or see on the internet, don't mind them. Because we know the truth. And the truth always wins."

But later, I was so overwhelmed with my date with Sebastian that I could not sleep. So, I checked my social media accounts.

My eyes grew enormous when I saw posts on Facebook and Twitter. Photos of me and Sebastian at the shooting range, the gym and at the lobby–on our way to our dinner date.

The photos and videos were understandable, there would be no control at the people for taking them, but the captions were my concern, they were hideous, and obviously coming from the haters.

The hypocrite Sweet Treble has a weekend getaway with the worst man on the planet, Sebastian Stavrakos.

Sweet Treble is a liar!

She warned all fathers to watch their daughters against Sebastian Stavrakos OnLive TV, even calling him the worst man on the planet! But the truth is, she just wanted him for herself. She's an ambitious woman who wants to catch a billionaire. Poor Sebastian!

Sweet Treble is the worst woman on the planet! She should be canceled!

She ate her words!

Make up your mind, girl. Do you hate him or love him?

Sebastian Stavrakos and Sweet Treble honeymooning at the Stavrakos Sports Resort Hotel now!

Oh God. The tables had turned. The world was now on Sebastian's side.

Was this part of his plan? He was so nice to me all throughout our date. I wondered if he was only acting on his best behavior to get a good article. How could I tell if this was the real Sebastian, or an elaborate act?

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