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Eighteen months later

Jungkook had gotten his wish.He walked down the isle before he could start showing and it turned out to be one of the best days of his life.He was pretty and glowing on the wedding portraits that were now hung around their house.Somehow they had managed to ban the media from the wedding.It was really a struggle keeping them away from the occasion.Jungkook wanted this special moment of his life to be private.Only family and close friends were invited.

For their honeymoon they had went to the Safari in Africa.Jungkook wanted something out of the ordinary.A few people would want to go on a honeymoon on a Safari.The lodges there were something Jungkook had only seen in the movies.The thatched houses were more beautiful seeing them live.Being around animals made Jungkook feel alive.He was even more excited to taste something different from what he was used to having in South Korea.They explored the Safari in three days and then moved to Victoria falls ,a majestic waterfalls in Southern Africa.It is one of the best tourist attraction there and Jungkook had only seen it in pictures on the internet.Taehyung thought his husband had forgotten that he was pregnant when the omega went for bungee jumping.The truth was the omega hadn't forgotten.He just didn't want to let his pregnancy stop him from having fun.If you ask Taehyung this wasn't at all a honeymoon but a thrilling and dangerous once in a lifetime adventure.A honeymoon is supposed to be romantic but this wasn't.

As soon as they got back to South Korea Jungkook had to leave for China to promote his brand.When he got back a week later he drove to Daegu and spent two good weeks with his in-laws on the farm.Taehyung was miffed because he couldn't spend time with his husband for even a day in those three weeks.He was upset with the omega  for not making time for him but that didn't last long.

After coming back from see his in laws he got busy again.The talent show which he was going to participate as a judge resumed and he was present until he season ended.In between he still had his head and shoulder promotions.Being a brand ambassador during pregnancy wasn't a walk in the park but he didn't want to sit around at home and do nothing.That wasn't his style.

Despite the omega's busy schedule the omega's pregnancy went smoothly.There weren't any complications and his baby was very healthy.


Taehyung and Jungkook were cuddling on the couch of their living room after a long day.

"I can't believe that the tour has already started and I'm three days into it"Jungkook started

"Are you excited about leaving me alone for months?"Taehyung asked

"I can't leave Hyejin with you.Goodness knows you can't handle her.Besides i will need her"

"What right do i have to complain"

"About a year and half ago i thought i heard you saying you will support me.What happened to that?"the omega asked

"Now that its really happening i don't feel good about it.You will take my daughter and leave me for goodness knows how long"

"Should i leave Jinie with my mom.They get along so well.She has been watching her ever since she was a few months old.Maybe i won't have to go through the process of getting a nanny for a six month long tour"

"You know she throws a tantrum if she doesn't get to see you by the end of the day.She will make your mom feel miserable.Take her with you.That would be better for everyone"Taehyung said

"What about you?"

"Maybe i can fly to see you guys once every month.I said I would support you and i mean it.It doesn't matter if i have to fly across the world time and again.I know that you guys will eventually come back to me"the older said

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