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Jungkook had been in his apartment the whole day after coming back from his parents in the morning.He slept till ten in the morning.When he woke up he made himself some ramen.Afterwards he thought of cleaning his apartment and it took him almost all of the day.At six he ordered dinner for himself.

By the end of the day he had checked  his  phone numerous times but no one had got in touch with him.He didn't even get so much as a text.He kept glancing towards the door hoping someone would just walk in.Maybe it wasn't a dream that he and Taehyung were done for good.

Around seven his doorbell rang.His heart clenched by just thinking about Taehyung.The only person who came to his apartment so often was his boyfriend.He had already missed those eyes that made him weak to the knees.

Jungkook opened the door to be met with Hobi's dazzling smile.It was like a ray of sunshine in his life.

"Hey JK"


"Let's go party."the alpha yelled

"If you refuse I'm gonna get really upset.This moron woke me up all for you"a grumpy voice said behind Hoseok.

"Yoongi hyung.You are here too"

"Aren't you going to let us in"the grumpy alpha asked.

"Please forgive my manners.Come in"

"Jin hyung wanted to come too but his daughter was being so clingy.She is fighting with her nanny over everything"

"She is just the cutest"

"That could have been your niece.I must say you are quite alike"

"Really.Jin hyung should get a break.He should go on a vacation with his family.He hasn't done that for a while because of me"Jungkook said

"Every celebrity needs a babysitter"

"And he has been the best so far.I don't know what I would do without him.Let me get you something"

The two alphas spotted boxes piled up on the living room floor.

"Are you moving"

"No,it's Taehyung's stuff.I'm gonna send to him soon"

"Oh.You have already made up your mind"Hoseok said as he made himself comfortable on the couch.Yoongi followed suit.

"Hasn't he called you yet?"

"Why would he ?I don't expect him to.It would be hypocritical of me"

"Honestly he must loved you a lot to put up with you for eight years.That's true love.Pure and unconditional love"Yoongi said

"Funny my brother said the same thing.Am I really a difficult person?"

"If you put your mind to it then yes.You can be pain in the neck at times"Yoongi said

"I really didn't know about that.I will try to change it"

Yoongi clutched his chest"Your sincere words have touched my heart"

"How have you been doing lately?"

"I'm feeling much better after spending the night with my family.I didn't know i needed that trip"

"That's great"

"My dad and I made up"

"I bet you were elated"

"I was.One problem fixed.It was supposed to be an important day in my life.Making up with my dad was something I had prayed for so long.But I didn't feel complete because Taehyung is no longer with me"

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