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Taehyung was welcomed by the sound coming from the TV when he came back from work.He felt relieved when he found the omega curled on the couch.He wanted to live in this dream a little more.

"Honey"he patted the omega's had lightly and Jungkook stirred awake.He looked adorable in messed up hair and baggy sweats that weren't his.

"You are home"

"Am I late?"

"No.I have just been feeling sleepy and tired today.I got tired of watching tv"

"Did you have dinner?"the older asked

"No I  was waiting for you.I didn't want to eat without you"

"Let's eat now.I'm hungry"

"Help me up"

"I brought you flowers.Tulips.Your favorite"

"Really?Where are they?"

"I left them on the hall table"

"Thanks.I will put them in water before we go to bed"

Jungkook served dinner in the kitchen and they sat down to eat.

"I saw the notification.You really tried not to buy the whole supermarket"Taehyung started

"Fruits and vegetables don't cost that much but I can't say the same for meat.I can't eat a meal without meat"

"No wonder you are a werewolf"

"Did you eat lunch?"Jungkook asked

"I almost didn't eat it"


"Jimin ran away with it.I had to run after him so he could give it back"


"He ate three quarters of it.If he weren't my best friend then he wouldn't have got away with it"

"Why don't we set them up with my producer.He is also single too"

"Why do you think that's a good idea"

"I think they would make a really good couple.You told me your best friend has been searching for a while.You even met Yoongi hyung.What do you think about him?"Jungkook asked

"Jimin just wants one man who isn't after his ass but his heart.A person who would love him for who he is"

"Yoongi hyung is a cool guy.Although he doesn't admit it ,he is afraid of love.Maybe he will stop being grumpy if he finds someone to love."

"You expect them to get along?Jimin has a temper.He vents a lot and that's one of the reasons why he is still single"

"He might just be hyung's type.You never know how things end up.We will get lucky if we unite two people together"

"It's worth the shot"

"By the way Eunwoo and the guys invited me to a get together tomorrow night"

"And you are planning on going ?"

"Tae I haven't been that social in a while.I should go"

"You aren't going"Taehyung stated

"Hyung"the omega whined

"For as long as you are staying with me I can not let you go.And you know damn why you can't"

"This time there won't be many people like last time"

"I see you haven't learned your lesson.Your so called friends keep bad company.Have you forgotten how someone dragged you with the intention of rapping you.And today we still don't know who.If I hadn't gotten to you on time I don't know what would have become of you"

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