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Jungkook got up from the balcony where he had been sitting all night.He had been up and never closed his eyes once.He had sat there to watch the moon and stars while he cried.Jungkook got to witnessed how dark the dawn is.He watched the stars fade and saw sun rise.

Last night Taehyung had personally come to drop him home because he was in no position to walk or drive.He had a severe panic attack right in front of his boyfriend.Taking Jungkook to the hospital in that condition would have got the media's attention.It was a good thing that Taehyung was a doctor and he knew how to deal with such cases.

Honestly Jungkook got tired of feeling sorry for himself.He cried last night until he couldn't anymore but he didn't want to let Taehyung know that he had broken him.His love wasn't supposed to be his weakness.

After getting up he took a long shower and dressed up.He went for the emo look:black ripped jeans,black leather jacket and black boots.He covered his dark circles with concealer.No one needed to know that he didn't sleep because he was in distress.His long term boyfriend broke his heart so what.Life goes on.He didn't have much of any appetite so he went out after grabbing his baseball cap and face mask.

Jungkook left the building in his private car with tinted glass.He didn't take any security.That would attract attention.His destination was the hospital his ex worked.

He adjusted his cap as well as his mask as he walked through the doors.It was important that no one recognizes him.Especially the paparazzi.They would want to know all about his business as if they owned him.The word privacy didnt exist in their dictionary.He went straight to the elevator as he knew just where Kim Taehyung would be.

Taehyung was right where Jungkook wanted him.The omega walked in like a patient and sat in front of ex with his legs crossed.He made sure to close the door with a bang.

The alpha didn't even react.He wasn't even surprised to see Jungkook.It made Jungkook wonder if he was that predictable or was it Taehyung knew him that much.

"What do you want?"

"I came to ask you a few questions I couldn't last night"

"Fire away"

"Did you ever love me?"

"I did"Taehyung replied in a heart beat

"But there are some things you could never do to someone you claim to love"

"Do you still its unfair.Do you feel betrayed?"Taehyung asked calmy as he sat behind his desk.

"Before we officially end things can you tell me whom you are leaving me for.I deserve to know that much don't I?"Jungkook asked

"I didn't choose to leave you for anyone.You forced me to make that decision"Taehyung said.


"You really don't or was she already there?"

"What are you getting at.I have never cheated on you and I have never entertained the thought of it so don't you dare try to accuse me.I will not stand for it"

"I will believe you"

"Do you still have another question.I have a surgery to attend to"Taehyung said plainly

"You had planned this right?"


"Breaking up with me.You have been planning this for a whole year and now you are just blaming your old man.You were upset because I turned down your marriage proposal.It bruised your ego.That's why you have been cold to me since then."

"I was upset but I never wanted to hurt you.That's true but it was because you didn't know the decision you had forced me to take"Taehyung said

"Is your father a lion.Why can't you just tell him you don't want to get married"

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