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When morning came Mrs Jeon went to Jungkook's room and saw her son in a condition that made her motherly heart clench unbearably.Jungkook was staring out his window.His eyes were pink with emotion.They were swelled and had dark circles around them.His skin was pale,his lips chapped and his nose pink from crying.He didn't look like he had any sleep last night.

Mrs Jeon hadn't seen her son's condition yesterday because he had locked himself in.He refused to come to come down for dinner and they just let him be .They knew what he was going through.

"Mom I can't live without him.I don't know how to.I don't want to live without him.It hurts so that I can die"the omega cried his heart out.

"What's the point of those tears now.No one took him from you.It was you who let him go"his mother told him softly


"Jungkook if you go through with the abortion then forget about ever getting him back.He is done with you so live with the decision "

"Is it impossible to get him back?"his voice cracked as he asked

"At the moment you still have one shot"

"If I threaten to end my life he will come back for sure.He can never let me die.He will forget all about his anger .I know him"Jungkook said.He wasn't even aware of what he was saying and how exactly he sounded

"You shouldn't be confident about manipulating someone's  emotions.I didn't raise you like that"Mrs Jeon sounded disappointed with her son's words.

"I didn't mean that mom.You also believe that I'm capable of doing anything don't you?"

"It's not my place to have an opinion"she replied

"If I keep feeling sorry for myself then I will end up losing my mind for sure"he chuckled

"Get up.We have an appointment or have you changed your mind"

"No I haven't changed my mind .I'm going ahead with the abortion as planned"Jungkook said without any emotion.

"What happened.Did you fight with Taehyung yesterday?"Mrs Jeon asked

"We did.I don't think I will ever forget our very last fight"Jungkook said lowly

"I thought you were going to tell him that you were reconsidering"Mrs Jeon said

"He didn't give me a chance so what was I going to do.He was busy saying mean things to hurt my feelings when I had something important to discuss"

"That was quite unfortunate.I wish he had given you a chance"his mother sighed

"It's his loss.I was willing to compromise but he changed my mind"

"If you think that aborting that child won't affect you in anyway then you are sadly mistaken.It will affect you more than anyone because that child is inside you"

Jungkook knew deep down that his mother was right.This was going to hurt.Naturally omegas are child loving and deciding to have an abortion didn't mean that he didn't feel anything for his unborn child.He was being tormented from within.

His hand went down to pat his flat stomach.He felt strange emotions as he did.He felt sad,anxious and horrible.

"Mom I'm a monster"his hand clenched around the fabric of his shirt.

"No you are not.Right now you are just confused and scared.It's normal.Thats how unplanned pregnancies are"

"This shouldn't have happened.Taehyung and i were already in a bad phase when I turned down his marriage proposal.This pregnancy is the last thing I needed"the omega cried

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