Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Everyone stay back." She instructed, but Spinner still tried to follow her, his gun drawn and aimed for the Sith approaching. "You too." Kyah said firmly, "Your blaster won't be any help against her." She assured him, "I need you out of the way and safe so I can focus." She said as she untied the bandage on her arm and felt blood rush to the wound.

Spinner stepped back, keeping his blaster aimed on Ventress as he joined his men behind her.

Kyah looked down at her arm and watched the gauze turn red as her blood soaked through and it became pointless. She sighed heavily as she pulled the bandages away.

"What are you doing?" Anakin asked as he hobbled forwards, but Spinner grabbed his uninjured shoulder and held him back.

"No. You promised to never do that again!" Wingman shouted to her, taking a step forward before remembering her instructions.

"I'm out of time and options!" She yelled back, and ignited her lightsaber.

"What is she doing?" Anakin asked as she held her shaky arm out in front of her.

"Cauterizing the wound." Spinner said in defeat as he looked away.

She took a deep breath and raised her blade, touching it to the back of her arm and effectively sealing the exit wound as she clenched her jaw to muffle her cry.

Ventress hesitated as she watched Kyah. Nearly thirty feet still between them, but she was already starting to feel nervous.

Kyah glared at the Sith Apprentice as she once again raised her injured arm and took a trembling breath, then touched her burning blade to the larger entry wound and kept it there long enough to see the bleeding stop. She dropped her arm to her side and yelled in both agony and rage, causing cracks to form in the stone beneath her feet. The worst of the pain faded into a searing burn which she forced herself to ignore. She switched her blade to her dominant hand, and spun it around, testing her range of motion, finding it painful to move, but possible.

She exhaled and took in another breath, centering herself as she stood tall and looked Ventress in the eye as the Sith came to a stop, with only ten feet between them.

"You want a fight? Come and get it." She said, her voice far too calm considering all she had just gone through.

Ventress' smile spread as she drew her dual blades, igniting them. She leapt forward and growled in fury, as she brought her blades down over Kyah, who blocked them easily and spun inwards, taking advantage of how open she'd left herself by jabbing an elbow into her ribs, hearing a crack as she made contact.

Ventress screamed in pain as she stumbled back, but didn't miss a beat and swung her left blade towards Kyah, who ducked under it, then blocked the Sith's second lightsaber with her own.

"Where's your puppet master?" Kyah asked and Ventress snarled.

"You aren't worth his time." She hissed and Kyah scoffed.

"Right, that's why he kidnapped Anakin and lured me here with a phoney vision." Kyah said and saw Ventress' face change, confirming the theory that Kyah had been mulling over for a while now.

"I guess you're smarter than I gave you credit for." She shrugged, then rushed forward again, swinging her blade at Kyah's legs, but before she made contact, the Jedi reached backwards and leapt into a backwards handspring.

She straightened out just in time to see Ventress spin around with her blade, trying to bring it down on her head again, but Kyah blocked with lightsaber, then watched the second blade coming towards her torso. Before the attack hit it's mark, Kyah grabbed the hilt of her enemies lightsaber just above where Ventress held it, then she jumped, still holding tightly to the blade, over Asajj's head, twisting her arm so far behind her that she was forced to let go of her weapon.

Anakin Skywalker AU RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora