Part 97: Life in future together

Start from the beginning

Although it wasn't a great thing, Lily couldn't help but feel a bit relieved to hear that McLaggen was having problems too. At least it wasn't just her. But then the wind began to beat even harder on her too, making her thankful she wasn't so far in the air. But then a strong gust blew into her, and knocked her from her broom completely. Lily dropped to the grass with a "thud" and rolled a little until her body was able to stop. Her broom landed not too far away from her. She was now really glad that she wasn't too far into the air.

Lily groaned. She was kind of aching after that fall, even though it wasn't a big one. She was even colder now, her skin stinging. And it felt like there was a stick under her back. Whatever it was, she landed on something uncomfortable when she rolled. But then . . . she felt that thing under her move slightly. Almost like it was struggling. Lily hissed as she moved her hand to reach under her back, and searched for whatever it was she'd landed on. Her hand touched something icy cold. So cold that it initially made her flinch, until something feathery touched her palm. Lily reached further and grabbed it completely. When she pulled her hand out in front of her to see what it was. She almost dropped it.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Lily mumbled in disbelief. The Snitch rested in her hand. The metal was cold, and the wings were beating uselessly against her fingers.

A whistle blew, and not far from her. Lily turned her head to see Madam Hooch not far above her. "Slytherin wins! Potter has caught the Snitch!" she announced, her voice somehow booming above the storm. Her voice had to be enhanced.

Lily rested her head on the cold and wet grass. She'd won. She was sore, cold, and tired, but she'd won. And best of all, the match was finally over, and they could all shower and warm up.

A hand appeared in front of her face, and after Lily blinked a few times, she could then see Hugo above her as well. He was grinning at her. "Good game, cuz. The win was deserved."

Lily grinned as she took his hand. "No matter who won, it was well deserved."

Hugo pulled her up to her feet. "What a game, what a day," he mumbled.

"Now, I just want to get inside and be warm," Lily laughed as she picked up her broom.

Hugo laughed. "Yeah, but I'd bet us players all have some nasty colds tomorrow."

"It's almost December. You staying here for the holidays, Hagrid?" Lily inquired. She was sitting on the fence around the back of his hut, which was keeping in a slightly injured hippogriff at the moment. She'd been bored, and decided to pay her father's old friend a visit.

"O' course," Hagrid replied gruffly as he lifted a heavy bucket up, and moved it past the gate. "I gotta take care o' these creatures, ya know."

Lily nodded. "Good point."

"What are yer plans for the holidays?" Hagrid asked as he threw a ferret to the hippogriff.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Go home, spend time with family, maybe work a little too," Lily told him.

"What 'bout that boyfriend 'o yers? Ya gunna see Scorpius any?" Hagrid inquired as he came to stand by her.

Lily smiled at the thought of spending time with Scorpius again. "Yeah. A little after I go back, he should get a break from training again. It won't be as much time as I'd like, but I'll live."

Hagrid smiled fondly. "Ya know, I keep forgettin' how old you kids are gettin' these days. Seems like only yesterday that I was teachin' yer father in his third year. Now he's grown, and you ain't a baby no more."

Lily sighed. "I know. I can remember when I thought that the fight between me and my brothers was just a simple tiff about Houses. Hell, I can remember back when all I wanted was to be a Gryffindor like Teddy. Time just flew by and changed just about everything," she said with a small laugh.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now