Part 96: Ready or not we are moving forward

Start from the beginning

Xavier ran a hand through his hair. "He just found out about the fact that you and Lola had sex."

Lily raised a brow. "That's what he's upset about? Something that happened over a year ago?"

"He's pretty pissed about it," Hunter replied.

"Merlin, they're so alike," Lily mumbled.

Hugo rubbed his thumb along his brow, which was sure to bruise. "I thought he knew already. Otherwise, I would have told him myself."

"Not a good idea," Xavier argued calmly. "Jace isn't mad that no one told him. He's angry that it happened at all."

Hugo looked at him skeptically. "He'd expected Lola to be a virgin? Had he ever been around the two of us while we dated?"

"I think he had more faith in Lola," Hunter retorted.

Hugo sighed. "Well, I guess I get it now. He's pissed, because he's afraid he'll have to compare."

"Exactly," Hunter agreed.

"You've got it," Xavier sighed.

Lily looked at the three of them in confusion. "What do you mean by compare?" she demanded.

"It's a standard fear for a guy like Jace," Xavier replied. "You know, you're a virgin, but your girlfriend isn't. Sometimes you start to think that you're going to suck in comparison. It's a lot to live up to for some guys."

Lily rolled her eyes. "A lot to live up to? Boys are idiots," she muttered as she moved past the boys. "I'll finish up patrols. Hugh, go ice your face."

Lily sighed as she watched Slytherins trying out for the open Beater position. It had been almost a week since Jace had punched Hugo, and things had gone downhill. Jace refused to be anywhere near Hugo since then, and Hugo had refused to get rid of, or hide, the bruise near his eye. Rumors had flown around about what had happened, only a few close to the truth. And even worse, Lola had found out about why Jace and Hugo had fought, and now she was mad at Jace. So those two sat near each other in a chilly silence, with Lily in the middle of them. And Hugo refused to sit at the Slytherin table, not wanting to make things worse with Jace.

Lance came and clapped Lily on the shoulder. She looked up at him, and began to wonder when he had become so much taller than her. But he was. Probably almost as tall as Scorpius. His black hair, which had been spiked as of late, was now matted around his forehead with sweat. Muscles wrapped leanly around his arms, keeping his build quick and thin.

"How's it going, Captain?" Lance asked her.

Lily sighed. "Sucky, but being back on the field makes everything better, even for a brief period."

"I know the feeling," Lance said with a chuckle. "Some Quidditch and some flying can make anything feel better." Then he sighed. "So, who's looking good to take Tanner's old spot?"

"Hard to tell at this point," Lily replied. "But I'm thinking that I'll look for someone in a younger year. That way when you take over as captain next year, you can have more time to train someone."

"So I'm going to be captain next year?" Lance inquired.

"I can't imagine anyone else being made captain but you," Lily retorted casually. "But it's not my decision."

"Hey, guys," Hugo greeted. His normal hat was pulled down over his hair, the small bill creating a shadow over the bruise around his brow. It only did a crappy job of hiding it.

"Hey, dude," Lance greeted. Then he sighed. "Well, I'm going to go shower, Captain. That cool?"

Lily nodded as she kept her eyes on the tryouts. "Yeah, no problem. Tell the others that have finished their tryouts to go ahead and shower too."

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now