Part 93:Stopping a repeat in time

Start from the beginning



The next day, Lily and Hugo stood outside the library. Lily had cast the Muffalito charm around them, keeping anyone from walking by and hearing their conversation.

"So we need a plan," Hugo muttered. "A way to keep an eye on these seventh years."

"With how cunning this guy is appearing to be, I doubt he'd act suspicious during the day. After all, Gavin said you'd never expect it of the guy," Lily mentioned.

"Then how should we go about this?" Hugo wondered. Then his eyes widened. "Oh, here comes Professor Brown! Lose the spell!"

Lily quickly and discreetly flicked her wand. "Finite," she whispered. Then she smiled as Professor Brown came closer. "Hello, Professor."

"Hey, Sir. Did you need something?" Hugo asked casually.

Professor Brown stopped in front of them, not smiling, but looking relaxed. "Hello, both of you. And actually, I need to speak with Lily. You don't mind if I borrow her for a while do you, Hugo?"

Hugo shrugged and shook his head. "Nah. Of course not. I'll see ya later, Lil." Then silently, he walked into the library, giving her one last glance before disappearing from sight.

Professor Brown placed a hand on her shoulder, causing Lily to finally look back at him. "Come with me, Lily. We're going to head toward my office, if you don't mind."

Lily began to walk with him. "Of course not. What's this about, though?" she asked.

Finally, he smiled slightly. "You'll see." They walked the rest of the way in silence. And when they reached the gargoyle that guarded the headmaster's office, he gave the password, and then ushered her forward. "Go on. Someone wants to talk to you."

Lily gave him a confused look, but her curiosity was peaked. She stepped onto the stairs, letting them carry her up to the office. Then she stepped into the room, and was surprised, and happy at who she saw.

"Dad," she said with a happy sigh. Her father was sitting on the edge of the desk, obviously waiting for her. He had his own smile on his lips.

He held up an envelope. "I got your letter this morning," he said simply.

Lily closed the door and stepped in further. "When I said time was important, I didn't think you'd come the next day."

Harry stood and ran a hand over his daughter's hair. "Well, my daughter wanted to talk to me about something important to her. And when she says that she needs my help, I'll be there the moment I hear about it."

Lily felt herself relax. "I'm glad that you did come, because it is important."

Harry crossed his arms as he leaned against the desk. "Then I'm all ears."

Lily sighed. "Things are getting bad for the prefects. I don't know if Gavin said anything to you, but he feels that the one that started all of this . . . is murderous. That he's capable of murder, and might not be far from it."

Harry gave a nod. "Ok."

"Now, there was an argument of bringing in Aurors, and fearing the closing of Hogwarts. We worked too hard, and we don't want parents to start pulling their kids out of the school. But we need help. And Professor Dumbledore gave some advice. To walk in the shoes of the attacker. But he also called this like a repeat of history. When I asked how it was a repeat, he gave a story. But I don't know what story he's talking about, and I feel like if I understood it more, it could help in figuring this out!" Lily explained.

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