Chapter Five

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"Okay, what are we gonna do now?" I asked, "I don't know!" Scott said, panicked like I wasn't. "dude, that's what you should think before doing anything!" I said, suddenly the alpha howled outside, "first, let's move from here, the door ain't gonna keep it out for long!" I said, pulling him.

"Okay," he said and started dragging me to the classroom, the alpha howled again, "oh, Scott I am scared,"  I said, looking around, he pulled me into a hug, "it's okay, we'll get out alive," he said, "at least, I hope so" he added, "that's assuring, Scott," I said sarcastically, "now, let's get out of here," I said, pulling away, he nods, going towards the wall window, "Scott, what are you doing?" I said stopping him from breaking the window glass, "breaking it so we can get out from here" he said like it was obvious, "idiot, even if we break the window, the alpha is still out there, he will kill us or worse he can climb up from the window and get inside of the school" I said, "but we can get out if we run fast" he said looking out of the windows, "really fast" he again said, looking at me. "Scott, there is nothing around the school for miles," I said.

"we can take your jeep," he said. Looking towards my jeep, "Serena, what happened to the hood of your jeep?" he said, "what? What do you mean what happened to the hood of my jeep?" I said looking at my jeep. "oh my God!"  I exclaimed. Suddenly something was thrown inside, breaking the window glass. Scott pulled down the windows and we looked at it. "it's my battery! That SOAB!" I yelled I was about to go near it, but Scott pulled me, "we have to find a place with no windows" he said.

"Well, Scott, there ain't no damn place in this school that has no freaking windows, good suggestion," I said, "well, a place with fewer windows?"  he asked, "then, the locker room!" I said, pulling Scott with me. We reached the locker room, "well, what do we do now?" he asked, I shrugged, "how about you call your dad and tell him to get us out of here?" Scott asked, "well, what if the alpha goes crazy and kills every cop in sight including my dad?" I asked him back, "they have guns," he said, "well, remember Derek had to get shot by a wolfbane bullet and yet it didn't slow him down?" I said, "ugh, we have to get out somehow!" he said.

"Scott, again, there is nothing around the school for miles," I said. "what about Derek's car?" he suddenly said, "yeah, we can get the keys from his body and get his car and him," I said. I was to go to open the door but we both can hear someone coming, Scott pulled my hand, shoved me into the locker and he hides in another one. I can hear someone coming in, I closed my eyes, and suddenly Scott yelled and come outside of the locker I too did the same, it was the janitor.

The janitor didn't listen to us and pushed us out of the locker room and locked the door, but he was killed by the alpha, his blood on the door, I and Scott yelled out and run back to the main door, but it was stuck, I tried pushing it but no use, Scott dragged me back, we were walking the corridors but Scott suddenly stopped us, hehe looked out the window and I too followed his gaze, it was alpha looking at us from the opposite trace, it started running towards us. we both run, and it broke the glass window and started chasing us.

We run back to the locker with the alpha chasing us, we hide in the locker room, and the alpha is roaming out, "we gotta do something, hurt it, kill it or something" I say as we back away slowly, we come across the room with a metal door, I look at it and get an idea, I slowly take my keys out, "what are you doing?" Scott asked, I just shushed him, throwing the keys to the side of the room and backing away from the room quickly, the alpha runs into the room, and I closed the door, "quick! The table!" I said, Scott, pushed the table against the door.

I sighed out of relief, then we heard the alpha trying to get out by pushing the door. "that SOAB! Damaged my expensive jeep, hope you rot in hell!" I took this time to curse the stupid alpha for my jeep. The Alpha then broke through the flimsy suspended ceiling tiles and exits the room through the crawl space."Oh my God, Scott, run!"

We both run and hide again, suddenly we hear a ringtone, and Scott's face paled, "what's wrong?"  I asked, "that's Allison's phone ringtone! She is here, we need to save her from alpha!" he said, panicked, "give me your phone, Serena, I need to call her!"  he asked, "dude, use your phone," I said, he just stared at me, "you lost it, didn't you?" I asked, then I handed my phone to him, "you vow me one! Okay?" he just nodded, and called Allison, I zoned out as he talked with her, only returning to the land of the living when I felt Scott pulling me, this guy, who does he think I am? Dragging me around like a lackey?

We reach the lobby soon and are met with Allison, Scott asks her why she is there, and she replies by saying it was Scott who texted her to come to school and shows the text, Scott says he did not send her any message, we are soon joined by Jackass and Lydia. We begin to leave but suddenly, hear something walking along the ceiling crawlspace and run. It's The Alpha but Allison, Jackson, and Lydia don't know that.

We reach a classroom and others start to block the door with a table and benches but no one is listening to me, there is this big window wall, what're they going to do with it? I couldn't help but yell now. "GUYS! LISTEN!" they all look at me, "good, now that you have blocked the door, what are we gonna do with this giant window wall?" I show them the wall, smiling sarcastically.

And soon they start arguing with Scott, pressing him for answers, "it is Derek, it has been Derek all the time, he killed his sister, the janitor and now he is going to kill us" Scott said, throwing all the blame on Derek, "Derek Hale?"  they ask again, "yes! It's him" he again said, "Scott! You can't just throw the blame at Derek" I whispered, pulling Scott away from the others, "well, now he is dead, so it doesn't matter" he said, "what if he is not?" I asked him, and he kept silent, "if he is alive, he is gonna kill you!" I said.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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Teen Wolf | female stiles | DISCONTINUED | MAYBE RE-WRITTERNKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat