Chapter Four

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Just another day of school ended and now I am going, not! Because Mr. Sourwolf decided to come to stand in front of the jeep and fell nearly unconscious in front of my jeep. "OH, MY GOD! What in the heavens?" I yelled out in fright, Scott came and started to check Derek. I came out of the jeep and these two dumbasses are crazy! Scott just decided to grace us with the information about Derek dying in 48 hours if he doesn't get the cure, it's already been a day since Derek was shot, "and you didn't think it was important to tell me about this?" I asked Scott, "I was freaked out, and I forgot..." he trails off. Traffic started behind us, and everyone is horning.

"Whatever, just get him in the jeep!" Scott helped Derek into the jeep and closes the door. Then Derek tells Scott "find out what type of bullet she used" and Scott says "Why could I do that? She is not the one who shot you" then they start arguing again, "Oh God! Shut up you two! Scott, go bring the bullet and you, keep quiet!" I told them, Scott nods and walks away, and start driving, because there is a huge line behind me.

I drove to Scott's part-time job, the veteran clinic, I help Derek in the clinic, and he starts removing his upper clothes, I turn away from him, and I can feel him looking at my back. Then I hear a pained groan, I look at him and notice the wound, it's terrible, I can't help but gasp, he looks at me.

"Are you okay? Let me see it" I said, grabbing his arm, it was different than I am used to seeing. I can see he is losing control, he groans in pain. He walks toward a drawer and opens it. Pulling out a saw machine and places in front of me, I look at him confused, "I am gonna need you to cut my arm off" he said, shocking me, "What!? I am not going to anything like that!" I yell at him, and he growls, showing his werewolf teeth, and snarls at me!

He pulls me closer with his hand on my neck, "You'll do it, or else I'll rip your head off with my teeth!" he threatens me, I look at him with a 'No shit Sherlock, ain't doing that' face. He is about to threaten me again when we both hear Scott coming in, he looks between us, and I notice we look like we were going to kiss each other, I quickly push his hand away from me.

"you brought it?" Derek asks, Scott nods and pulls the bullet out of his pocket. And hands it to Derek, who looks at it and suddenly it falls out of his hand, and he faints. "ah! Derek! Hey, Derek! Wake up"I try to wake him up as Scott tries to get the bullet from under the table, "oh my God, Scott, I think he is dying!" I Yell, panicked, "just a minute.." Scott answers, "oh God, oh God!" I mumble as I shake Derek, "Got it!" Scott exclaims as he holds the bullet in his hand.

I look at Derek and I can only think of one way to wake him up, "forgive me for this"I whisper as I punch his face hard. He wakes up, thank God, and takes the bullet from Scott and pulls the top of the bullet with his teeth, and pours the contains of the bullet on the table, burning it with a lighter, it sparks up and I flinch back a bit, Derek then hesitates a bit and puts the burnt wolfbane on his wound, and starts I don't know, groaning, growling or howling, in pain. Scott pulls me back, holding away, in case Derek attacks.

The wound starts healing itself, then Derek and Scott start arguing about argents, then Derek takes Scott away to show how 'nice Argents are', note the sarcasm. They left me here by myself, I drove back home and slept without eating dinner, I don't have much appetite.

The next day went without any problem, I jinxed it. The shopkeeper was killed by the alpha, and Jackass and Lydia were attacked in a video rental shop by the alpha, dad went to investigate it.

and the next day, I had to go to Lydia's house to find out something about the attack. She was too intoxicated by prescribed drugs but did find a video of alpha, which she unknowingly recorded on her phone, I deleted it because I couldn't reach out to Scott.

I rush back to school because we have parents meeting right now, just I reached there, found dad, and walk with him, it was my turn, "so, how is she? Any troubles?" dad asks the coach, who smiles, I don't know if I should be relieved or scared by that. "Oh! She is great, has perfect grades, is assistant coach of the team, and never misses a class, she great, I am glad to have her as my student" he praises and I look at him gratefully, while this is all true, I. Am not perfect. Dad smiles proudly and side-hugs me.

Teen Wolf | female stiles | DISCONTINUED | MAYBE RE-WRITTERNWhere stories live. Discover now