19: Last One Out, Hit the Lights

Start from the beginning

Caboose: Because I didn't want to be difficult. (Turns on the radio... again) Come in, Private Church. Do you copy? Soldier unit Tex and Private Arroyo almost have the armor vehicle situation rectified. Okay. We require verification of your... mission...ness. (Clears throat) How is your progression?

Lopez (Church): (Over radio) ¡Caboose! ¡Nadie aquí está escuchando mí! ¡No mas puedo hablar español! [Caboose! No one here is listening to me! I can only speak Spanish for some reason]

Caboose: ... (Turns to Tucker) ...He says he wants to talk to you.

Tucker: What why?

Caboose: He is speaking strangely like Arroyo does sometimes.

Cut to Sheila.

Sheila: Thank you for activating the M808V Main Battle Tank.

Tucker: Oh shit. We got trouble.

Cut to Tex and Arroyo.

Arroyo: Finally! It's working!

Tex: Yea that took a little longer than I thought. Well, time to go kill the Reds.

Arroyo: Wait what? I still got more questions!

Tex: I already gave you everything you needed to know.

Arroyo: You gave me a basic summary of my life there!

Tex: Isn't that enough?

Arroyo: NO! It's like you gave me a few puzzle pieces without the rest of the puzzle.

Tex: Fine, I'll tell you more about your time in the project but after I'm done killing the Reds, Deal?

Arroyo: Deal, but just one more question.

Tex: Fine just one, what is it?

Arroyo: Why can't I do the things you can do, like all that badass freelancer stuff?

Tex: ... When was the last time you train?

Arroyo: What?

Tex: How long ago did you last train?

Arroyo: Ummm, when I went to basic training I think.

Tex: (Sarcastic) Yea, I wonder why you can't do all the badass freelancer stuff like me.

Arroyo: Yeah yeah, I get it. I'll start training again.

Cut back to Church (as Lopez) talking to Grif and Simmons.

Lopez (Church): Un tanque... grrrande!

Grif: Hey. I think if you're gonna live in this country, you should speak the language.

Sheila: (From a distance) Target locked.

Simmons: What country? We're on an alien planet.

Grif: What're you, a communist?

Sheila fires and hits the side of the Red Base.

Grif: Son of a bitch!

Simmons: Son of a bitch!

Lopez (Church): ¡MADRE DE DIOS! [SON OF A BITCH!]

Cut to Arroyo walking up to the top of the base while Tucker is talking to Caboose as he looks through the sniper rifle. Sheila can be heard firing in the background.

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