12: Down, but not Out

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Fade into Blue Base. Caboose is looking through the sniper rifle.

Caboose: Man... He is really kicking their asses.

Tucker: How come I never get the fucking sniper rifle?

Arroyo: He grabbed it first Tucker, so quit your whining

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Arroyo: He grabbed it first Tucker, so quit your whining.

Caboose: (Lowers the rifle) I'm really glad Tex is on our team and not theirs.

Tucker: Sure makes things a lot easier on us.

Arroyo: You can say that again. Man, freelancers are pretty badass.

Caboose: Yeah. I think switching Tex for Church was a good trade.

Tucker: It definitely seems like your killing Church is starting to work out for us.

Caboose: Ya know, ya think so? You know, I was gonna say something but, uh, well you know, uh... nuh...

Arroyo: Hey, are you guys a bit worried that Church is a ghost now?

Caboose: Nope.

Tucker: Not really

Arroyo: Huh, alright then.

Tucker: Did Tex get in the base?

Caboose: (Raises the rifle and watches Tex enter the base) Yeah.

Arroyo: Good, Let's hope that he's good as Church says he is.

Cut to the flag stand in the Blue Base. The flag reappears.

Male Game Voice: Blue Team, flag returned.

Tucker: What the...? Who said that? 

Arroyo: The hell?

Church: (Clears throat) Sorry, that was me. I, uh, I guess I had something stuck in my throat. Your flag is back, by the way.

Caboose: Hey, it's Church!

Church: Yeah, it's me. Hey, Caboose.

Caboose: (Peppy) Hey, Church, what're you up to?

Church: Caboose, (Laughs) Ah-huh-huh, I'm not really here to make small talk, okay? How'd you guys manage to get your flag back?

Tucker: Wh-What? Oh, th-that flag? We've always had that.

Church: Tucker, who do you think you're trying to fool? Hey, wait a second... Where's Tex?

Arroyo: Huh? No idea. He said he was gonna go for a walk ... near red base.

Church: Oh great. This is so typical! What was the one thing I told you guys the last time I appeared?

Caboose: (Clueless) That Sidewinder is cold..!?

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