17: Points of Origin

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Tex and Church, Tucker, Arroyo, and Caboose are standing outside Blue Base.

Tex: As far as I'm concerned, I'm square with you.

Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker simultaneously turn to face Church

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Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker simultaneously turn to face Church.

Church: I saved you from a life of imprisonment. How the hell are you square with me?

Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker simultaneously turn to Tex

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Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker simultaneously turn to Tex.

Tex: Because I didn't kill you back at Sidewinder.

Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker turn back to Church.

Church: You know, I don't really see how not killing somebody is the same thing as doing them a favor.

Arroyo, Caboose, and Tucker turned to Tex.

Tex: Well, if you don't appreciate it, I could just kill you right now.

Church: No, you can't! I'm already dead, bitch! I guess the joke's on you!

Caboose: Stop it! Stop fighting. Can't you see that you're tearing us apart? WHAT ABOUT US?

Tex: What about you?

Caboose: We helped you too. And what do we get? Nothing!

Tex: Well yeah, but...

Church: Yeah, but nothin'. He's got a point.

Tex: I did help them get the flag back.

Tucker: Yeah, but you were paid to do that. We rescued you as a favor. We could have just let you rot in the Red Army prison, it wouldn't have made any difference to us.

Arroyo: Yeah! So now you owe us a favor. And we are ready to cash it in.

Tex: Fine, I'll stay here as long as it takes to help you guys win this thing. As soon as I have, I'm outta here. What do you need me to do?

Tucker: I have no idea. If you knew how to fix a tank, I would have you do that.

Tex: ...Okay.

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