Chapter 5

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“Delilah,” a voice whispers. “Why would you do that,” I yelled. I turned around and saw George, just as I thought. He’s just like Mags described, but different. His hair is messy but not as messy as it used to be. His eyes are a beautiful brown with green and blue specks, almost a hazel color. He’s no longer wearing big glasses which means he’s wearing contacts. His freckles look like they were paint on a paintbrush flicked off just like in seventh. His suit looks a little messed up but it makes him look cute.

“Hey Delilah, it’s been awhile so let’s talk and not stare,” George suggested. “Hey George, yeah it has been, and I wasn’t staring,” I grinned. “You definitely were, Well I need to tell you something, I don’t really know the details but I do know Jacob Carter has a plan to expel you, something to do with writing class,” George informed me. “What about the rest of the Misfits,” I asked. “He hasn’t mentioned anything about these Misfits, I don’t even know what that is,” George told me. “Thanks for the informat,” I beamed.

“How did you even get under his radar,” George asked. “That’s for another day, How’d you befriend him,” I smiled. “He just walked up to me last year and said, '' I claim you as my friend,” George laughed.  I laughed along until I started to walk away. “You should know that I would be crazy if I didn't stare, you're adorable,” I chuckled as I walked away. I look back and he’s red as a tomado, and at a loss for words. “Not as cute as you,” George yelled. This boy is trying to make me red and feel something but it’s not going to work.

I ran from the field to the main building and to the lunchroom. I go to my lunch table and sit next to my sister with my lunchbox ready for opening. “Hey guys, how are you,” I grinned. They were all staring at me, they haven’t touched their food. Is this how George felt?  Hopefully not, this is terrible.

“So according to Maggie you got a note about Carter who you think is from George King,” Mikey spoke, extremely slowly. I nodded my head. “Was it from King,” Michael asked. “First it’s George, secondly I'll just tell you everything that happened after last class,” I informed Dais and Mikey. I told them the whole story, from George now wearing contacts to him being called cute. Maggie was smiling while the other two Misfits looked confused by my words.

“You called George cute,” Daisy stated but it sounded like a question. “You think King, I mean George is cute, did you think he was cute when he had glasses, why doesn't he know the details of Carter's plan,” Mikey integrated. “Wait, do you like him,” Daisy asked. “What, no, I don't like him, I think he’s cute but I don't like him,”  I yelled.

“We shouldn't even be thinking about that now, he probably wants all of us expelled so why is he doing something in writing class, that would only take out me and Lia,” Mags realized. “George doesn’t even know of the Misfits, he proved that when I mentioned the Misfits, I doubt he even knows I have friends, we may act friendly to each other but me and George aren’t friends, George only mentioned me, Carter probably wants to expel us one by one,” I guessed. “Why doesn’t George know much about the plan, he’s a part of the Royals,” Michael questioned.

“Besides who’s in it, what do we know about the Royals,”  Daisy asked. “Carter is the leader, Davis likes Carter, Carter is most likely single, and they're pretty much the exact opposite of us,”  Maggie listed. “We don’t know how they're treated, Carter could act like a dictator,”  I added.

“Baby, where are you,”  a voice yelled. A turn my head to the voice. Carter, of course it’s Carter. “Did he say baby,” Mikey asked. “Who is he calling baby,” Daisy questioned. “Maybe we’re wrong about the single theory,” Maggie suggested. “Yeah, maybe,” I agreed. 

“I’m right here darling,” a girl smiled. Carter ran to the girl and sat next to her. This girl, Brooklyn Bowa is the captain of the cheerleader team. Her hair goes to her hips, it’s a curly brown that fades into a blonde. Her eyes are a ambur color that sorta reminds me of fire. From what I've heard and seen, her personality is the opposite of Carter's.

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