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I wake up in the hospital not knowing what happened,the doctor walks in."Ah i see your awake Ms.y/n"the doctor says"yeah uhmm what happened to me my head feels like its about to explode"you say while holding your head, the doc chuckles"nothing too major just a slight concussion you'll recover in a week or so, so until then be careful and try not to hit your head again anytime soon."does this mean im free to go home"the doctor replied with a nod and took me to get discharged                                                                                                          -                                                                                                                                                      "Hey make sure your recording"you hear someone say but you ignore it and go back to sleep."Ok 3...2...1...GO"you wake up all drenched in water"HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE"you scream to your brother and his friends while they're running out of the room laughing their asses off.God i hate them sometimes,you think to yourself as you dry yourself off and get ready for school.You head downstairs to see no one in sight but only a note from your brother ***Hey sis we're sorry about this morning but u gotta admit it was kinda funny,Anyways the guys and i are going on a trip for a couple of days we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner but hey it is what it is, we love you talk to you soon.***Well that's that better get going if i don't wanna be late,you say to yourself and head to school.

At school your walking down they hall to you're next class when suddenly someone grabs your wrist and drags you into what appears to be a janitors closet"what the hell"you whisper,the person behind u hugs your from behind out of nowhere"We're so sorry y/n we didn't mean to hurt you or make u feel bad"he says as he starts to hug u tighter,you realize who it is and you turn around to him"Hey i'm fine kookie its okay its not your fault"i say to him,it wasn't non of their faults i was so stupid to go there but if i did i know levi and the others would have done something even worse.I'm so tired of them i didn't do anything to deserve this torture.

"Come on lets head to class"you say as you were about to leave the closet"Wait....meet us on top of the roof at lunchtime,okay"He says but before i could say anything else he runs out of the closet leaving me alone. You head to class...You walk in the class late and everybody looks at you"Miss y/n you're late"The teacher says"I-i'm so sorry Mr.kwan it wont happen again" you say while stuttering a bit you curse at yourself for doing so but something about him intimidates me and makes me feel off"It better not now go take a seat"you bow to him and go sit down next to you're seat. 

Fifth period lunch comes around and you head up to the roof kinda nervous but you bury the feeling and open the door,you see all of them each holding a sign  it said !!WE'RE SORRY Y/N!! you busted out in tears they ran up to you and hugged you"we love you y/n" they said "what"you say not believing what you just heard"we said we love you y/n we're so sorry we let them hurt you like that we promise to protect you from now on we wont let anyone hurt whats ours"Jin said with an expression you couldn't read.You all get past the tears and sorry's "Come on y/n lets go sit down"Tae says and once again there's no more room for you to sit"come on guys you really need to stop doing this to me"you say and they look around and laugh"my bad where are my manners come sit here"kookie says as he motions me to sit on his lap, i sigh and go to sit on him

"Oh i almost forgot" jin says

"forgot what"you ask

"we made you some food"joonie says

"well jin did most of the cooking but we helped a bit"hobi beams

"thanks guys but im not hungry"i lied i haven't eaten since this morning but im fine

"nope you're eating no if and's or buts about it"yoongi says as he tries to feed me 

"fine i'll eat"you say as u were gonna decline but u were actually really hungry

After school you head over to their house to watch some movies"let's watch avengers"Joon suggests "No the titanic"all the boys look at jimin"what its a great movie"you laugh"How about Jennifer's body" "That sounds scary"hobi and jimin said with worry faces"Trust me its not its funny"you lied to them       They went to go get snack and you started the movie."Y/N YOU LIED"jimin yelled"Yeah that was so scary"you and the rest of the guys laugh at them"I'm sorry guys but i really wanted to watch it i'll make it up to y'all i promise"you say and throw them a wink at the end"hey u wanna sleep over"jk asks you"sure why not beats staying home alone"you say"why would you be home alone aren't u living with your brothers"yoongi asks"well yeah i am but their out on a trip for a couple of days"you say as you head upstairs to choose what room u wanna sleep in, you end up choosing taehyungs room and went to go shower "HEY CAN SOMEONE LET ME BORROW A SHIRT"you yell downstairs to the boys"JUST GET ONE OUT OF MY CLOSET"tae yells up to you.You take a cool looking shirt from tae's closet and a pair of his boxers(don't worry they were fresh from the pack)You walk downstairs to the kitchen"so what should we do for the rest of the day"you ask as you walk in the kitchen but you get no response they just sit there and stare at you"guys" "oh umm how about we play some video games"jungkook asks you"sure why not" "ok meet me in my room in 10mins"he says then runs to his room idk why tho"that little bastard"hobi says and the rest of the guys laugh you don't understand why they were laughing but u just stood there.

Hey guys sorry this took so long I've been having some personal problems but i'm back now hope u liked the story i don't know why but it took me like a week to write this it was hard but at last i have finished it, don't forget to toon in weekly for new updates i'm going to start updating every friday until next time-A/N 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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